Today's American Minute — Pilgrim's Progress: John Bunyan imprisoned 12 years for holding unapproved opinions -"The Monster was hideous ... wings like a dragon ... out of his belly came fire & smoke"

Pilgrim's Progress: John Bunyan imprisoned 12 years for holding unapproved opinions -"The monster was hideous ... wings like a dragon" - American Minute with Bill Federer

Pilgrim's Progress: John Bunyan imprisoned 12 years for holding unapproved opinions -"The Monster was hideous ... wings like a dragon ... out of his belly came fire & smoke"

Pilgrim's Progress: John Bunyan imprisoned 12 years for holding unapproved opinions -"The monster was hideous  ... wings like a dragon" - American Minute with Bill Federer

In 17th century England, John Bunyan was in a farm house near Bedford, England, when it was raided by the police. He was bound, arrested, and dragged away, all because he was having an unauthorized religious meeting and for preaching without the permission of the government.

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