Carolina Agreements of Lords Proprietors (1665) of the Province:
<8. Item That no person or persons qualified as aforesaid within the any time shall be any ways molested punished disquieted or called in question for any differences in opinion or practice in matters of religious concernment who do not actually disturb the civil peace of the said Province or Counties but that all and every such person and persons from to time and at all times freely and fully have and enjoy his and their matters of religion throughout all the said Province they behaving themselves peaceably and quietly and not using this Liberty to Licentiousness nor to the Civil Injury or outward disturbance of others, any Law statute or clause contained or to be contained usage or custom of this realm of England to the contrary hereof in anywise notwithstanding.
9. Item That no presence may be taken by infringe thereby ye General clause of Liberty of Conscience aforementioned We do hereby grant unto the General Assemblies of ye several Counties power by act to constitute and appoint such and so many Ministers or Preachers as they shall think fit, and to establish their maintenance Giving Liberty besides to any person or persons to keep and maintain what Preachers or Ministers they please...
2. Item To enact and make all such Laws Acts and Constitutions as shall be necessary for the well Government of ye County...that they be not against the Article for Liberty of Conscience above mentioned...
7. Item...trained...soldiers for the...defense of the said...Province and of the Forts Castles Cities &c to suppress all mutinies and Rebellions.
To make war offensive and defensive with all Indians Strangers and Foreigners as they shall see cause and to pursue any Enemy by sea as well as by land.> 1665LP001
American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement.
1665LP001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). Carolina, 1665, Agreements of Lords Proprietors of the Province.