Today's American Minute

Independence Day - "GREATEST REVOLUTION that has ever taken place IN THE WORLD'S HISTORY"-Ronald Reagan - American Minute with Bill Federer

Independence Day -- "GREATEST REVOLUTION that has ever taken place IN THE WORLD'S HISTORY"-Ronald Reagan

Independence Day - "GREATEST REVOLUTION that has ever taken place IN THE WORLD'S HISTORY"-Ronald Reagan - American Minute with Bill Federer

Ronald Reagan stated 1961: "In this country of ours took place THE GREATEST REVOLUTION that has ever taken place IN THE WORLD'S HISTORY -- Every other revolution simply exchanged one set of rulers for another ... Here for THE FIRST TIME in all the THOUSANDS OF YEARS of man's relation to man ... the founding fathers established the idea that you and I had within ourselves the GOD-GIVEN RIGHT AND ABILITY to DETERMINE OUR OWN DESTINY."

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Democrats vote to disarm Blacks, "No freedman, Negro, or mulatto shall carry or keep firearms or ammunition"-Mississippi Black Code 1865 - American Minute with Bill Federer

"No freedman 1865 Democrats vote to disarm Blacks Negro or mulatto shall carry or keep firearms or ammunition"-Mississippi Black Code

Democrats vote to disarm Blacks, "No freedman, Negro, or mulatto shall carry or keep firearms or ammunition"-Mississippi Black Code 1865 - American Minute with Bill Federer

Robert Cottrol, professor of law at George Washington University, stated: “Some of the earliest gun control legislation was in fact being aimed directly at black people ... After the Civil War the southern states ... Black Codes prohibited the newly freed black population from having weapons."

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Theodore Roosevelt: Fighting New York Crime & Monopolies, defending Blacks & Jews, protesting Massacre of Armenians - American Minute with Bill Federer

defending Blacks & Jews Fighting Monopolies freeing Cuba Kurds & Armenians Theodore Roosevelt: Police in New York WWI & protesting Massacre of Syrians

Theodore Roosevelt: Fighting New York Crime & Monopolies, defending Blacks & Jews, protesting Massacre of Armenians - American Minute with Bill Federer

Like the Biden Administration abandoned Afghanistan,  Woodrow Wilson's Administration abandoned Armenians. Roosevelt wrote "Armenians, have been subjected to wrongs far greater than any that have been committed since the close of the Napoleonic Wars ... the wars of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane in Asia. Yet this government has not raised its hand to do anything to help the people who were wronged ... This course of national infamy ... began when the last Administration surrendered to the peace at-any-price people."

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"Juneteenth": Republicans End Slavery, and a pivotal incident two days after Lincoln's Day of Fasting - American Minute with Bill Federer

"Juneteenth" & What Preceded It: Republican Policies End Slavery and a Critical Event Two Days After Lincoln's Day of Fasting

"Juneteenth": Republicans End Slavery, and a pivotal incident two days after Lincoln's Day of Fasting - American Minute with Bill Federer

To celebrate this victory of Republican abolition policies over the Democrat pro-slavery policies is "Juneteenth," the day Union Major General Gordon Granger issued General Order No. 3 from his headquarters in Galveston, Texas, June 19, 1865, announcing: "The people of Texas are informed that in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves."

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Happy Father's Day! "America needs heroes on the battlefield of everyday life"-U.S. Senate Chaplain Peter Marshall - American Minute with Bill Federer

Father's Day! "America needs heroes on the battlefield of everyday life" -U.S. Senate Chaplain Peter Marshall

Happy Father's Day! "America needs heroes on the battlefield of everyday life"-U.S. Senate Chaplain Peter Marshall - American Minute with Bill Federer

Genesis 18:19 records one of the reasons God chose Abraham: “For I know him (Abraham), that he will teach his children … (to) keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment.” Deuteronomy 4:9: “Teach them to your children and grandchildren.”

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