Today's American Minute — Independence Day -- "GREATEST REVOLUTION that has ever taken place IN THE WORLD'S HISTORY"-Ronald Reagan

Independence Day - "GREATEST REVOLUTION that has ever taken place IN THE WORLD'S HISTORY"-Ronald Reagan - American Minute with Bill Federer

Independence Day -- "GREATEST REVOLUTION that has ever taken place IN THE WORLD'S HISTORY"-Ronald Reagan

Independence Day - "GREATEST REVOLUTION that has ever taken place IN THE WORLD'S HISTORY"-Ronald Reagan - American Minute with Bill Federer

Ronald Reagan stated 1961: "In this country of ours took place THE GREATEST REVOLUTION that has ever taken place IN THE WORLD'S HISTORY -- Every other revolution simply exchanged one set of rulers for another ... Here for THE FIRST TIME in all the THOUSANDS OF YEARS of man's relation to man ... the founding fathers established the idea that you and I had within ourselves the GOD-GIVEN RIGHT AND ABILITY to DETERMINE OUR OWN DESTINY."

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