Today's American Minute — Socialism Warning "A government big enough to GIVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU WANT is a government big enough to TAKE FROM YOU EVERYTHING YOU HAVE"-President Ford
Socialism Warning "A government big enough to GIVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU WANT is a government big enough to TAKE FROM YOU EVERYTHING YOU HAVE"-President Ford - American Minute with Bill Federer
President Ford addressed the Annual Dinner Meeting of the Bay Area Council in San Francisco, CA, April 4, 1975: "Over the 25 years that I had the privilege of serving in the House of Representatives ... well-motivated Members of the House of Representatives would get up and argue effectively and convincingly and certainly in the highest motivation for this social program or that social program. Pretty soon, we started to have this proliferation, and believe me, it has proliferated ...
I recall most vividly sitting there on many occasions and thinking to myself, don't they realize that a government big enough to give us everything we want is a government big enough to take from us everything we have?"