Charter granted by United Netherlands (March 27, 1614) for those who discover any new passages, havens or places:
<The States-General of the United Netherlands...Greeting... would be honorable...that the good inhabitants should...occupy themselves in seeking out and discovering passages, havens, countries, and places that have not before now been discovered...and being informed by some traders that they intend, with God's merciful help, by diligence, labor, danger, and expense, to employ themselves thereat...Therefore...wishing that the experiment be free and open to all and every of the inhabitants of this country, have invited and do hereby invite all and every of the inhabitants of the United Netherlands to the aforesaid search.> 1614NN001
American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement.
1614NN001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). Charter of United Netherlands, granted March 27, 1614.