Charter of Connecticut (1662)

Charter of Connecticut (1662):

<Whereby Our said People Inhabitants there, may be so religiously, peaceably and civilly governed, as their good Life and orderly Conversation may win and invite the Natives of the Country to the Knowledge and Obedience of the only true GOD, and He Savior of Mankind, and the Christian Faith, which in Our Royal Intentions, and the adventurers free Possession, is the only and principal End of this Plantation...

Nevertheless, our Will and Pleasure is, and We do hereby declare unto all Christian Kings, Princes, and States, that if any Persons which shall hereafter be of the said Company or Plantation, or any other Appointment of the said Governor and Company for the time being, shall at any time or times hereafter rob or spoil by sea or by land, and do any hurt, violence, or unlawful hostility to any of the subjects of us, or heirs...> 1662CC001


American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement.


1662CC001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). Charter of Connecticut, 1662.

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