Proclamation Against Disorderly Transporting (April 30, 1637)

Proclamation Against Disorderly Transporting (April 30, 1637) issued by the King of England to regulate immigration to the Plantations in America:

<The King's most excellent majesty being informed that great numbers of his subjects have been and are every year transported into those parts of

America...amongst which numbers there are also many idle and refractory humors whose only or principal end is to live as much as they can without the reach of authority;

His minded to restrain...such promiscuous and disorderly departing out of the realm, and does therefore straightly charge and command all and every the officers and ministers of his several ports in England, Wales, and Berwick that they do not hereafter permit or suffer any embark themselves in any of the said ports...for any of the said plantations without...certificate from two justices of the peace living next the place where the party last of all...dwelt, that he has taken the Oath of Supremacy and Allegiance, and like testimony from the minister of the parish of his conversation and conformity to the orders and discipliness of the Church of England.> 1637PA001


American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement.


1637PA001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). Proclamation of King of England, April 30, 1637, Against Disorderly Transporting His Majesty's Subjects to the Plantations in America.

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