Third Charter of Virginia (March 12, 1611)

Third Charter of Virginia (March 12, 1611):

<James, by the Grace of God, King of England...Defender of the Faith...Greeting. Whereas at the humble Suit of divers and sundry our loving Subjects, as well Adventurers as Planters of the first Colony in Virginia, and for the Propagation of Christian Religion, and Reclaiming of People barbarous, to Civility and Humanity,  We have...granted unto them...the first Colony in Virginia...

We therefore tendering the good and happy Success of the said Plantation, both in Regard of the General Weal of human Society, as in Respect of the Good of our own Estate and Kingdoms, and being willing to give Furtherance unto all good Means that may advance the Benefit of the said Company, and which may secure the Safety of our loving Subjects planted in our said Colony, under the Favor and Protection of God Almighty, and of our Royal Power and Authority, have...granted...all...Islands whatsoever situate and being in any Part of the Ocean Seas bordering upon the Coast of our said first Colony in Virginia...

Provided always, that the said Islands or any Premises herein not actually possessed or inhabited by any other Christian Prince or Estate...

And furthermore, whereas We have been certified, That divers lewd and ill disposed Persons, both Sailors, Soldiers, Artificers, Husbandmen, Laborers...having there misbehaved themselves by Mutinies, Sedition, or other notorious Virginia, have endeavored by most vile and slanderous bring the said Voyage and Plantation into Disgrace and Contempt...a great Number of other, our loving and well-disposed Subjects, otherwise well affected and inclined to join and adventure in so noble, Christian, and worthy an Action, have been discouraged from the same; but also the utter overthrow and Ruin of the said Enterprise hath been greatly endangered, which cannot miscarry without some Dishonor to Us, and our Kingdom.> 1611VC001


American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement.


1611VC001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). Virginia, Third Charter, March 12, 1611, granted by King James I of England. 1613RC001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). Richard Crashaw, 1652, in the Hymn of the Nativity, st. 6. John Bartlett, Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1855, 1980), p. 292.

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