American Quotations by William J. Federer 2024
John Ray (November 29, 1627-January 17, 1705)
John Ray (November 29, 1627-January 17, 1705) was a British biologist and natural theologian who founded of the Royal Society. Considered the father of English natural history, he was a respected expert in the field of taxonomy, botany and zoology. He compiled an extensive catalogue of English flora and, between 1686-1704, published A General History of Plants (3 vols.). John Ray authored A Persuasive to a Holy Life, 1700, and The Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works of Creation, 1691, in which he stated: <The works created by God at first, and by Him conserved to this day in the...
Company of a Hundred Associates (April 29, 1627)
Company of a Hundred Associates (April 29, 1627) (COMPAGNIE DES CENT-ASSOCIÉS): <King Henry the Great, our father of glorious memory, did seek and discover the lands and countries of New France, known as Canada, some able dwelling to establish a colony there, in order to, with Divine assistance, bring the peoples living there to the knowledge of the true God, and to organize and instruct in the Apostolic and Roman Catholic faith and religion..."> 1627HA001 -- American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement. Endnotes: 1627HA001, Company of a Hundred Associated, April 29,...
Robert Boyle (January 25, 1627-December 30, 1691)
Robert Boyle (January 25, 1627-December 30, 1691) considered a "Father of Modern Chemistry," was a British natural philosopher. He studied Bacon, Descartes, and other contemporaries including: scientists Isaac Newton, Robert Hooke and Galileo; philosophers John Locke and Thomas Hobbes; and poet John Milton. Boyle was noted for contributions in physics and chemistry, especially his pneumatic experiments with the vacuum pump and the espousal of atomism, that gases were made of tiny particles. He put forward the basic law of gas dynamics, which related gas pressures to temperature and volume, known as "Boyle's Law": that if the volume of a gas is decreased,...
Purchase of Manhattan (November 5, 1626)
Purchase of Manhattan (November 5, 1626) notification by the Dutch: <High and Mighty Lords: Yesterday arrived here the ship the Arms of Amsterdam, which sailed from New Netherlands, out of the river Mauritius, on the 23rd September. They report that our people are in good heart and live in peace there; the women also have borne some children there. They have purchased the island Manhattes from the Indians for the value of 60 guilders; tis 11,000 morgens in size. They had all their grain sowed by the middle of May and reaped by the middle of August. They send thence samples...
Charter Granted by Gustave Adolphus (June 14, 1626)
Charter Granted by Gustave Adolphus (June 14, 1626) to the Swedish South Company: <Whereas...we have received reliable and certain intelligence that there are in...America...many rich countries and islands, of which some are inhabited by quiet and rather effeminate people, some by heathens and savages, some uninhabited, and some as yet only imperfectly explored. With which said countries it will not only be possible to carry on an extraordinary large commerce from our kingdom, but it is also most likely that the said people may likewise be made more civilized and taught morality and the Christian religion by the mutual intercourse and...