American Quotations by William J. Federer 2024
New Plymouth Colony Charter (1629)
New Plymouth Colony Charter (1629) granted to William Bradford: <Know ye that the said consideration that William Bradford and his associates have for these nine years lived in New England aforesaid and have there inhabited and planted a town called by the name of New Plymouth at their own proper costs and charges: And now seeing that by the special Providence of God, and their extraordinary care and industry they have increased their plantation to near three hundred people, and are upon all occasions able to relieve any new planters or others his Majesty's subjects who may fall upon that...
Grant to Sir Ferdinando Gorges and John Mason (November 17, 1629)
Grant to Sir Ferdinando Gorges and John Mason (November 17, 1629) by the Council of New England: <This Indenture made the seventeenth day of November Anno Domini 1629, and in the fifth year of the reign of our sovereign lord Charles, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c., between the President and Council of New England in the one party and Sir Ferdinando Gorges of London, Knight, and Captain John Mason of London, Esquire, on the other party...the president and council intend to name The Province of Laconia... And also yielding...
Grant of New Hampshire (November 7, 1629)
Grant of New Hampshire (November 7, 1629) to John Mason: <This Indenture made ye Seventh Day of November Anno Domini 1629 & in ye Fifth year of ye Reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles by ye Grace of God King of England Scotland France & Ireland Defender of the Faith &c Between ye President & Council of new England on the one party & Capt John Mason of London Esquire on ye other party.> 1629NH001 -- American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement. Endnotes: 1629NH001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). Grant...
Grant to Sir Robert Heath (October 30, 1629)
Grant to Sir Robert Heath (October 30, 1629) by King Charles I: <Charles by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith... Whereas our beloved and faithful subject and servant Sir Robert Heath Knight...kindled with a certain laudable and pious desire as well of enlarging the Christian religion as our Empire & increasing the Trade & Commerce of this our the parts of America...neither inhabited by ours or the subjects of any other Christian king... But some parts of it inhabited by certain Barbarous men who have not any knowledge of the...
Virginia House of Burgesses (October 16, 1629)
Virginia House of Burgesses (October 16, 1629) ordinances of Jamestown: <It is ordered that there be an especial care taken by all commanders and others that the people do repair to their Churches on the Sabbath day, and to see that the penalty of one pound of tobacco for every time of absence and 50 pound for every months absence set down in the act of the General Assembly 1623, be levied and the delinquents to pay the same, as also to see that the Sabbath day be not ordinarily profaned by working in any employments or by journeying from...