Charter of New England Petition (March 3, 1619)

Charter of New England Petition (March 3, 1619)

Petition for Charter of New England by the Northern Company of Adventurers:

<May it please your most excellent give license for the establishing of two colonies in Virginia in America, the one called the First Colony undertaken by certain noblemen, knights, and merchants about London, the other called the Second Colony likewise undertaken by certain knights and merchants of the western parts...

Some...have, at their great charge and extreme hazard, continued to bring to pass so noble a work, in the constant pursuit whereof it has pleased God to aid them with His blessing so far as, in the confidence of the continuance of His Grace, they are resolved to pursue the same with all the power and means they are able to make to His glory, your Majesty's honor...

Whereby your Majesty's most humble petitioners do verily hope, by God's Holy assistance, to settle their plantation to the employing of many of your Majesty's subjects.> 1619NE001


American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement.


1619NE001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). New England Charter Petition, March 3, 1619, by the Northern Company of Adventurers.

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