Continental Congress (October 1, 1777)

Continental Congress (October 1, 1777) meeting in York, Pennsylvania, appointed two Chaplains of Congress: Anglican, William White, and Presbyterian, George Duffield, to succeed the first Chaplain, Jacob Duché, returned to England. William White (1748-1836), was Duché's successor at Christ Church, Philadelphia, and George Duffield (1732-1790), was pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia.

An example of the preaching of Rev. William White can be seen in his Sermon delivered in Christ Church, Philadelphia, on June 21, 1786, at the opening of the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States (Reprinted in London by John Rivington and Sons, No. 62, St. Paul's Church Yard):

<THAT there is one infinitely perfect God the Father; and one Lord Jesus Christ, God begotten of God, and thus possessed of all divine attributes, who having been "in the beginning and before all worlds," took in time man's nature upon him, to make in it an oblation for sin; and one Holy Spirit, who, being sent by the Father and the Son assists mankind by his inspirations; that these three divine agents are essentially united, as well in themselves, as in accomplishing the work [14/15] of redemption; that the end of the gospel dispensation is to rescue man from the darkness and corruption of fallen nature, making him through faith acceptable to God, and enabling him to live in good works; and that the result of all is the bringing of those who shall believe in Christ with a faith evidencing itself in holiness to the everlasting happiness of heaven, which can be claimed only through his merits; are truths which have been never lost sight of by the visible church:

They were indited by that blessed Spirit, who was to "lead her into all truth," and the upholding of them is essential to the accomplishment of the promise, "that the same divine Comforter should continue with her for ever."> 1777CC101

Chaplain George Duffield published "An Account of a Missionary Tour through Western Pennsylvania in 1766," and a "Thanksgiving Sermon on Peace," delivered December 11, 1783. John Adams listened to his sermons, describing:

<the genius and eloquence of Duffield.> 1777CC102


American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement.


1777CC101. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). William White, June 21, 1786, Chaplain of Congress, Sermon delivered in Christ Church, Philadelphia at the opening of the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States (Reprinted in London by John Rivington and Sons, No. 62, St. Paul's Church Yard). Introduction to book by Ira Stoll, Sam Adams- A Life (Simon & Shuster, 2008) 

1777CC102. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). George Duffield, Chaplain of the Congress, described by John Adams.

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