Georgia Constitution (1777)

Georgia Constitution (1777):

<ARTICLE 6: The representatives shall be chosen out of the residents in each county...and they shall be of the Protestant religion.

ARTICLE 14. Every person entitled to vote shall take the following oath or affirmation, if required, viz:

"I, A B. do voluntarily and solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I do owe true allegiance to this State, and will support the constitution thereof; So Help Me God."

ARTICLE 15. Any five of the representatives elected, as before directed, being met, shall have power to...administer the oath to all other members that attend, in order to qualify them to take their seats, viz: "I, A B. do solemnly swear that I will bear true allegiance to the State of Georgia, and will truly perform the trusts reposed in me; and that I will execute the same to the best of my knowledge, for the benefit of this State, and the support of the constitution thereof, and that I have obtained my election without fraud or bribe whatever; So Help Me God."

ARTICLE 24. The governor's oath: "I, A B, elected governor of the State of Georgia, by the representatives thereof, do solemnly promise and swear that I will, during the term of my appointment, to the best of my skill and judgment, execute the said office faithfully and conscientiously' according to law, without favor, affection, or partiality; that I will, to the utmost of my power, support, maintain, and defend the State of Georgia, and the constitution of the same; and use my utmost endeavors to protect the people thereof in the secure enjoyment of all their rights, franchises and privileges; and that the laws and ordinances of the State be duly observed, and that law and justice in mercy be executed in all judgments.

And I do further solemnly promise and swear that I will peaceably and quietly resign the government to which I have been elected at the period to which my continuance in the said office is limited by the constitution.

And, lastly, I do also solemnly swear that I have not accepted of the government whereunto I am elected contrary to the articles of this constitution; So Help Me God."

ARTICLE 30. When any affair that requires secrecy shall be laid before the governor and the executive council, it shall be the duty of the governor, and he is hereby obliged, to administer the following Oath, viz: "I, A B. do solemnly swear that any business that shall be at this time communicated to the council I will not, in any manner whatever, either by speaking, writing, or otherwise, reveal the same to any person whatever, until leave given by the council, or when called upon by the house of Assembly; and all this I swear without any reservation whatever; So Help Me God."

ARTICLE 56. All persons whatever shall have the free exercise of their religion; provided it be not repugnant to the peace and safety of the State; and shall not, unless by consent, support any teacher or teachers except those of their own profession.> 1777GA001


American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement.


1777GA001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). Georgia Constitution, 1777.

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