Grant of the Province of Maine (1639)

Grant of the Province of Maine (1639):

<All Patronages...of all and every such Churches and Chapels as shall be made and erected within the said Province...any, of them with full power license and authority to build and erect or cause to be built and erected so many Churches and Chapels there as to the said Sir Ferdinando Gorges his heirs and assignee shall seem meet and convenient and to dedicate and consecrate the same or cause the same to bee dedicated and consecrated according to the Ecclesiastical Laws of this our Realm of England...

And for the better government of such our Subjects and others as at any time shall happen to dwell or reside within the said Province...our will and pleasure is that the Religion now professed in the Church of England and Ecclesiastical Government now used in the same shall be forever hereafter professed and with as much convenient speed as may be settled and established in and throughout the said Province and Premises and every of them...

But We Do nevertheless hereby signify and declare our will and pleasure to be the powers and authorities hereby given to the said Sir Ferdinando Gorges his heirs and assignee for and concerning the Government both Ecclesiastical and Civil...

And because in a Country so far distant and seated amongst so many barbarous nations the Intrusions or Invasions as well of the barbarous people as of Pirates and other enemies may be justly feared We Do therefore...grant unto the said Sir Ferdinando Gorges...power...that he...may...raise arms and employee all... persons whatsoever inhabiting...within the said Province...for the resisting or withstanding of such Enemies or Pirates both at Land and at Sea and such Enemies or pursue and prosecute out of the limits of the said Province or Premises and then (if it shall so please God) to vanquish...

No interpretation being made of any word or sentence Whereby God's Holy true Christian Religion now taught professed and maintained the fundamenta1 laws of this Realm or Allegiance to us our heirs or successors may suffer prejudice or diminution.> 1639ME001


American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement.


1639ME001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). Maine, 1639, Grant of the Province.

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