New England Commission (July 23, 1637) granted by King Charles I to Sir Ferdinando Gorges as Governor of New England:
<Forasmuch as we have understood and been credibly informed of the many inconveniences and mischief that have grown and are like more and more to arise amongst our subjects already planted in the parts of New England by reason of the several opinions...
We take the whole managing thereof into our own hands and apply thereunto our immediate power and authority...
They have humbly resigned the said charter unto us that thereby there may be a speedy order taken for reformation of the aforesaid errors and mischiefs.
And knowing it to be a duty proper to our royal justice not to suffer such numbers of our people to run to ruin and so religious and good intents to languish for want of timely remedy and sovereign assistance, we have, therefore, graciously accepted of the said resignation and do approve of their good affections to a service so acceptable to God and us.> 1637NE001
American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement.
1637NE001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). New England Commission, July 23, 1637, granted by King Charles I to Sir Ferdinando Gorges as Governor of New England.