New Plymouth Colony Charter (1629) granted to William Bradford:
<Know ye that the said consideration that William Bradford and his associates have for these nine years lived in New England aforesaid and have there inhabited and planted a town called by the name of New Plymouth at their own proper costs and charges:
And now seeing that by the special Providence of God, and their extraordinary care and industry they have increased their plantation to near three hundred people, and are upon all occasions able to relieve any new planters or others his Majesty's subjects who may fall upon that the said William Bradford, his heirs associates and assignee all that part of New- England in America.> 1629NP001
In 1629, William Brewster wrote of the Plymouth Plantation of the Massachusetts Bay Colony at Salem:
<The Church that had been brought over the ocean now saw another Church, the first-born in America, holding the same faith in the same simplicity of self-government under Christ alone.> 1629NP002
American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement.
1629NP001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). New Plymouth Colony, 1629, Charter granted to William Bradford.
1629NP002. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). William Brewster, 1629, writing to the Plymouth Plantation of the Massachusetts Bay Colony at Salem.