The Great Law of Pennsylvania (December 7, 1682)

The Great Law of Pennsylvania (December 7, 1682) also called the Body of Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania and Territories thereunto Belonging past at an Assemble at Chester alias Upland, are engrossed on seven parchment sheets and recorded in The Statutes at Large of Pennsylvania in the Time of William Penn, Volume I, 1680-1700 (New York: ed. Gail McKnight Beckman, Vantage Press, 1976):

<Whereas the Glory of Almighty God and the Good of Mankind is the Reason and End of Government and therefore Government in itself is a Venerable ordinance of God and for as much as it is principally desired and intended by the Proprietary and Governor and the Freemen of the Province of Pennsylvania and Territories thereunto Belonging to Make and Establish Such Laws as shall best preserve true Christian and Civil Liberty in Opposition to all UnChristian Licentious and Unjust Practices whereby God may have his Due Caesar his Due and the People their Due from Tyranny and Oppression on the One Side of Insolency and Licentiousness on the Other So that the best and firmest Foundation may be Laid for the Present and future happiness for both the Governor and People of this Province and Territory aforesaid and their Posterity

Be it therefore Enacted by William Penn Proprietary and Governor with the advice and Consent of the Deputies of the Freemen of this Province and County aforesaid in Assembly met and by the Authority of the same that these following Chapters and Paragraphs shall be the Laws of Pennsylvania and the Territories thereof.

Chapter 1. Almighty God being only Lord of Conscience Father of Lights & Spirits and the Author as well as Object of all divine Knowledge Faith and Worship who only can Enlighten the Mind and persuade and Convince the Understanding of People in Due Reverence to his Sovereignty over the Souls of Mankind it is Enacted by the Authority Aforesaid that no Person now or at Any time hereafter Living in this Province who Shall Confess and acknowledge one Almighty God to be the Creator Upholder and Ruler of the World and that professeth him or herself Obliged in Conscience to Live Peaceably and Justly under the Civil Government shall in any case be Molested or Prejudiced for his or her Conscientious Persuasion or Practice nor shall he or she at any time be Compelled to frequent or Maintain any Religious Worship place or Ministry whatever Contrary to his or her mind but shall freely and fully Enjoy his or her Christian Liberty without any Interruption or reflection and if any Person shall abuse or deride any Other for his or her Different Persuasion and Practice in Matters of Religion Such shall be Looked upon as a disturber of the Peace and be punished accordingly, But to the End that Looseness, Irreligion and Atheism may not creep in under pretense of Conscience in this Province,

Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that according to the Example of the Primitive Christians and for the Ease of the Creation Every first day of the Week called the Lord's day People Shall Abstain from their Usual and Common Toil and Labor that Whether Masters, Parents, Children or Servants they may the Better dispose themselves to read the Scriptures of truth at home or frequent such Meetings of Religious Worship abroad as may best Suit their Respective Persuasions.

Chapter 2. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Officers & Persons Commissioned and Employed in the Service of the Government of this Province and all Members and Deputies Elected to Serve in Assembly thereof and all that have Right to Elect such deputies shall be Such as profess and Declare they Believe in Jesus Christ to be the Son of God the Savior of the World and that are not Convicted of ill fame or Unsober and Dishonest Conversation and that are of One and Twenty Years of age at Least.

Chapter 3. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that whosoever shall Swear in their Conversation by the Name of God or Christ or Jesus being Legally Convicted thereof shall pay for Every Such offence five Shillings or Suffer five days Imprisonment in the house of Correction at hard Labor to the benefit of the Public and be fed with bread and Water only during that time.


Chapter 4. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that whosoever shall swear by any other thing or Name and is Legally Convicted thereof shall for Every Such offence pay half a Crowne or Suffer three days Imprisonment in the house of Correction at hard Labor having only bread and Water for their Sustenance.

Chapter 5. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid for the better prevention of Corrupt Communication that whosoever shall Speak Loosely and profanely of Almighty God Christ Jesus the Holy Spirit or the Scriptures of truth and is Legally Convicted thereof shall for Every Such offence pay five Shillings or Suffer five Days Imprisonment in the house of Correction at hard Labor to the benefit of the Public and be fed with bread and Water only during that time.

Chapter 6. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that whosoever Shall in their Conversation at any time curse himself or an Other or anything belonging to himself or any other and is Legally Convicted thereof Shall pay for Every Such offence five Shillings or Suffer five days Imprisonment as aforesaid.

Chapter 7. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any Person shall with Malice or premeditation Kill or be accessary to the death of an Other Person, Man, Woman or Child being Legally Convicted thereof Shall according to the Law of God and all Nations Suffer death and that the Estates of such Capital offenders shall go one half to the Next of Kin to the Sufferer and the remainder to the next of Kin of the Criminal.

Chapter 8. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Persons Guilty of Mans Slaughter or Chance-medley Shall be punished according to the Nature and Circumstance of the offence.

Chapter 9. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that whosoever defileth the Marriage bed by Lying with another Woman or Man than their own wife or husband being Legally Convicted thereof Shall for the first offense be publicly Whipped and Suffer one Whole years Imprisonment in the house of Correction at hard Labor to the benefit of the Public and Longer if the Chief Magistrate See meet and both he and the Woman shall be Liable to a bill of Divorcement if required by the grieved husband or Wife within the Said term of One whole Year after Conviction and for the Second offence imprisonment in Manner aforesaid during Life and if the Party with whom the husband or Wife shall defile their beds be unmarried for the first offence they shall Suffer half a years Imprisonment in the Manner aforesaid and for the Second offence Imprisonment for Life.

Chapter 10. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any Person shall be Legally Convicted of Incest which is uncleanes betwixt near Relations in blood Such Shall forfeit one half of his Estate and both Suffer Imprisonment a Whole year in the house of Correction at hard Labour and for the Second offence Imprisonment in Manner aforesaid for Life.

Chapter 11. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any Person shall be Legally Convicted of the Unnatural Sin of Sodomy or Joining with beasts such persons shall be whipped and forfeit one third part of his or her Estate and work Six months in the house of Correction at hard Labor and for the Second offense Imprisonment as aforesaid during Life.

Chapter 12. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that whosoever shall be Legally Convicted of a Rape or Ravishment that is forcing A Maid, Widow or Wife shall forfeit one third of his Estate to the Parent of the Said Maid and for want of a Parent to the Said Maid and if a Widow to the Said Widow and if a Wife to the husband and the Said party be Whipped and Suffer a Years Imprisonment in the house of Correction at hard Labor and for the Second offence Imprisonment in manner aforesaid during Life.

Chapter 13. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That whosoever shall be Convicted of Uncleanness or the Commission of fornication that is if any Single Man shall defile a Single Woman they Shall Suffer three Months Imprisonment in the house of Correction at hard Labor and after the Expiration of the Said term Shall take one an Other in Marriage and Live as Man and Wife together but if the Man be Married he shall forfeit one third of his Estate and both be Imprisoned as aforesaid and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that Whoso Ever Shall be Convicted of Speaking an Unclean Word shall for Every Such offence pay one Shilling or Sit in the Stocks two hours.

Chapter 14. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that whosoever shall be Convicted of having two Wives or two husbands shall be Imprisoned all their Lifetime in the house of Correction at hard Labour to the benefit of his former Wife and Children or her former Husband and Children and if a man or Woman being unmarried do knowingly marry the Husband or Wife of another person he or she shall be punished after the same manner aforesaid.

Chapter 15. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that Every Person disordering and abusing himself with drink unto drunkenness being Legally Convicted thereof shall for the first time pay five Shillings or Work five days in the house of Correction at hard Labor and be fed only with bread and water and for the Second offense and Ever after ten Shillings or ten days Labor as aforesaid.

Chapter 16. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that they who do Suffer such Excess of Drinking at their houses shall be liable to the Same Punishment with the Drunkard.

Chapter 17. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any Person shall drink healths which may provoke people to unnecessary and Excessive drinking being Legally convicted thereof shall for Every Such offence forfeit five shillings and whosoever shall pledge the same Shall be Liable to the Same punishment.

Chapter 18. And whereas divers Persons as English, Dutch, Swedes, etc., have been wont to Sell to the Indians Rum and Brandy and Such Like Distilled Spirits though they know the Said Indians are not able to Govern themselves in the use thereof but do commonly drink of it to Such Excess as makes them Sometimes to Destroy one another and Grievously annoy and disquiet the People of this Province and Peradventure those of Neighboring Governments whereby they make the poor Natives worse and not better for their coming among them which is an heinous offence to God and a Reproach to the Blessed name of Christ and his Holy Religion

It is therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that no Person within this Province do from henceforth presume to Sell or Exchange any Rum or Brandy or any Other Strong Liquors at any time to any Indian within this Province and if any one shall offend therein the Person Convicted thereof Shall for Every Such offence pay five pounds.

Chapter 19. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that whosoever be convicted of Willfully firing of any Mans house, warehouse, Outhouse, Barnes, Stacks or Ricks of corn Vessels or boats in any part of this Province or Territory thereunto Annexed Every such offender shall be Liable to make Satisfaction double the Value and suffer Imprisonment for one year in the house of Correction and bear Such Corporal punishment as shall be Inflicted by the Court of Justice of that County where the party offending hath Committed the fact.

Chapter 20. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any Person shall break into the dwelling house of any Other to the afrightening of any dwelling therein and Shall Intend or offer to take anything out of the said house such person Convicted thereof shall make fourfold Satisfaction and Suffer three Months Imprisonment at hard Labor in the house of Correction and if the party offending be not able to make restitution he or She shall be Imprisoned Seven Years.

Chapter 21. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the Land and goods of Thieves and felons shall be Liable to make Satisfaction to the party Wronged four fold the Value and for want of Lands or goods the Thieves or Felons shall be bondsman to Work in the Common prison or Workhouse or Otherwise till the party Injured be Satisfied.

Chapter 22. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any person Shall Violently or forcibly Enter the house or possessions of any Other being duly convicted thereof shall be punished as a Breaker of the peace and make Such Satisfaction to the party agreived as the Circumstances of the fault will bear.

Chapter 23. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any persons to the Number of three shall meet together with Clubs, Staves or any other hurtful Weapon to the terror of any of the Peaceable People of this Province and Commit or Design to Commit any Violence or Injury upon the person or goods of any of the Said Inhabitants and be Convicted thereof they shall be Reputed and Punished as Rioters and that act of Terror and Violence or Design of Violence accounted a Riot.

Chapter 24. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that whosoever shall assault or Menace a parent and shall be duly proved Guilty thereof shall be Committed to the house of Correction and there remain at hard Labor during the pleasure of the Said Parent.


Chapter 25. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid if any Person shall assault or Menace a Magistrate and be Duly convicted thereof he shall be fined according to the Nature of the fact and be Committed to the house of Correction at hard Labor for One Month after Conviction.

Chapter 26. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any Servant assault or Menace his or her Master or Mistress and be Convicted thereof shall be punished at the Discretion of Two Justices of the Peace so it be Suitable to the Nature of the offence.

Chapter 27. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that any Person convicted of an assault or Battery committed by him on an Other Person he shall be reputed a Breaker of the Peace and Shall be punished according to the Nature and Circumstances of the fact.

Chapter 28. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that whosoever shall challenge another Person to fight he that Challengeth and he that accepteth the Challenge shall for Every Such offence pay five pounds or Suffer three Months Imprisonment in the house of Correction at hard Labor.

Chapter 29. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that whosoever shall introduce into this Province or frequent Such rude and Riotus Sports & practices as Prized or Stage Plays, Masks Revells, Bulbaits, Cock fightings with such Like being convicted thereof shall be reputed and fined as Breakers of the Peace and Suffer at Least ten days Imprisonment in the house of Correction at hard Labor or forfeit twenty Shillings.

Chapter 30. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any Person be Convicted of Playing at Cards, Dice, Lotteries or Such Like Enticing Vain and Evil Sports and Games Such persons shall for Every Such offence pay five shillings or suffer five Days imprisonment at hard Labour in the House of Correction.

Chapter 31. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any person shall speak, write or Act anything tending to Sedition or Disturbance of the peace and be duly convicted thereof the party so offending shall for Every Such offence be fined according to the Nature and Circumstance of the fact provided it be not Less than twenty Shillings.

Chapter 32. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any Person Speak Slightingly or carry themselves abusively against any Magistrate or Person in office being duly Convicted thereof shall for Every Such offence Suffer according to the Quality of the Magistrate and Nature of the offense always provided it be not Less than twenty Shillings or ten days imprisonment at hard Labor in the house of Correction.

Chapter 33. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Scandalous and Malicious reporters Defamers and Spreaders of false News whether against Magistrates or Private Persons being convicted thereof shall be accordingly severely punished as Enemies to the Peace and Concord of the Province.

Chapter 34. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any Person shall be clamorous, Scolding and Railing with their tongues upon Complaint and full proof thereof before a Justice of the Peace the said Justice shall for such offence commit Such Persons to the house of Correction there to remain three days at hard Labor.

Chapter 35. And to prevent Clandestine, Loose and Unseemly proceedings about Marriage be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Marriages not forbidden by the Law of God shall be Encouraged but the Parents and Guardians shall be first Consulted and the parties Clearness of all other Engagements assured by a Certificate from Credible persons and the Marriage shall be published before it be Solemnized and it shall be Solemnized by taking and Owning one another as Husband and Wife before Sufficient Witnesses and a Certificate of the Whole under the hands of Parties and Witnesses shall be brought to the proper Register of the County where they are Married and Shall be Registered in his office.

Chapter 36. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that no Person be it Either Widower or Widow shall Contract Marriage much Less Marry under one Year after the Decease of his Wife or her Husband.

Chapter 37. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any Person or Persons shall fall into decay and Poverty and not be able to Maintain themselves and Children with their honest endeavours or shall die and Leave Poor Orphans that upon Complaint to the Next Justices of the Peace of the Same County the Said Justices finding the Complaint to be true Shall make provision for them in Such Way as they Shall See Convenient till the Next County Court and that there care be taken for their future Comfortable Subsistence.

Chapter 38. And to prevent Exaction in Public houses be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Strong beer and ale make of Barley Malt shall be Sold for not above two pennies Sterling a full Winchester Quart and all Beer made of Molasses Shall not Exceed one penny by the Quart.

Chapter 39. And to prevent fraud in Measures and to reduce all foreign Measures here to the English Standard be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the Measures of this Province shall be according to the Standard of Weights and Measures in England that is to say a bushel shall contain Eight Gallons according to the Winchester Measure and all Weights to be avoirdupois which hath Sixteen Ounces to the pound within three Months after the first Session of this Assembly.

Chapter 40. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that no person presume to Keep an Ordinary or Public house without a License first Obtained of the Governor and to the End that all travelers and Such as are not house Keepers may be reasonable accommodated in Places where Ordinaries now are or shall be hereafter Erected no Such Keeper of Such Ordinary shall demand above Six pennies a Meal by the head which Meal shall Consist of Beef or Pork or Such Like produce of the Country and small beer and a footman he shall not Demand above Two pennies a night for his bed and of a horseman Nothing he paying Six pennies a Night for his horse his hay.

Chapter 41. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the days of the Week and Months of the Year Shall be Called as in Scripture and not by Heathen Names (as are Vulgarly Used) as the first second and third days of the Week and first second and third months of the Year and beginning with the day Called Sunday and the Month Called March.

Chapter 42. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid to the End that Justice may be faithfully and Openly done according to Law that all Courts of Justice shall be Open and Justice shall not be Sold denied or delayed and in Every County there shall be one Court Erected to which the Inhabitants thereof may Every Month repair for Justice and in Case any person shall hold himself aggrieved by the Sentence of the Said County Court that Such Persons may appeal to the Provincial Court which Shall Sit Quarterly and Consist of not Less than five Judges the appellant giving Security for the Charges of the Suit and no further appeal to be admitted till the appellant deposit in Court the Sum he is Condemned to pay and Give Security in Case he be Cast by the Last Jurisdiction which shall be the Provincial Council to pay treble Damages.

Chapter 43. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that in all Courts all Persons of all Persuasions may freely appear in their own way and according to their own Manner and there personally plead their own Cause themselves or if Unable by their friends and the first process shall be the Exhibition of the Complaint in Court fourteen days before the Trial and that the Defendant be prepared for his Defense he or she Shall be Summoned no less than ten days before and a Copy of the Complaint delivered him or her at his or her Dwelling house to answer unto but before the Complaint of any person shall be received he or she Shall Solemnly declare in Open Court that he or she believeth in his or her Conscience his or her Cause is Just and if the Party complained against Shall notwithstanding refuse to appear the Plaintiff Shall have Judgment against the Defendant by Default.

Chapter 44. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that there Shall be two Credible Witnesses in all Cases in order to Judgment and all Witnesses Coming or Called to testify their knowledge in or to any matter or thing in any Court or before any Lawful Authority within the Said Province shall there give and Deliver in their Evidence or Testimony by Solemnly promising to speak the truth the whole Truth and Nothing but the truth to the Matter or thing in Question and in Case any person so Called to Evidence shall afterwards be Convicted of Willful falsehood such person shall Suffer and Undergo such damage or Penalty as the person or Persons against whom he or she bore false Witness did or Should undergo and Shall also make Satisfaction to the Party Wronged and be publicly Exposed for a false Witness never to be Credited again in any Court or before any Magistrate in the Said province and whosoever shall be Convicted of Lying in Conversation shall for Every Such offence pay half a Crown or Suffer three days Imprisonment in the house of Correction at hard Labor.

Chapter 45. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all pleadings Processes and records in Court shall be short and in English and in an Ordinary and plain Character that they may be Easily read and understood and Justice Speedily administered.

Chapter 46. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Trials in Civil Cases shall be by twelve men and as near as may be peers or Equals and of the Neighborhood and men without Just Exception and in Criminal Matters of Life there shall be first twenty four returned by the Sheriff for a Grand Inquest of whom twelve at Least Shall find the Complaint to be true and then forty Eight shall be Likewise returned by the Sheriff of whom Twelve shall have the final Judgment but reasonable Challenges shall be always admitted against any or all of them.

Chapter 47. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all fines shall be moderate saving mens Contenements, Merchandise or Wainage which is to say the furniture of their Calling and Means of Livelihood.

Chapter 48 And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all Fees and Salaries in all Cases shall be moderate and Limited by the Governor and Assembly and be hung up in a table in Every respective Court and whosoever shall be Convicted of taking more shall pay two fold and be Dismissed his Employment one Moyety of which shall go to the party wronged and that all Persons Convicted of Bribery and Extortion shall forfeit Double the sum.

Chapter 49. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid for avoiding of Numerous Suits if two men dealing together be indebted to Each other upon bills Bonds Bargains or the like provided they be of Equal truth and Clearness the defendant shall in his Answer acknowledge the debt which the Plaintiff demandeth and defalke what the Plaintiffe Oweth to him upon the like Clearness.

Chapter 50. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if in Case any Man arrest one another going out of the Province he Shall be ready with his Declaration and Evidence the Next day and shall put in Security to pay the Charges and Damages Sustained by the party arrested if he shall be found in the wrong.

Chapter 51. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Promises Bargains and Agreements about buying and Selling being made appear by Sufficient Evidence, shall stand good and firm and Such as shall Violate the Same he or She Shall for Every Such offence pay twice the Value to the Person Wronged.

Chapter 52. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that to prevent frauds and Vexatious Suits within the said Province all Charters gifts grants and Conveyances of Land (Except Leases for one Year or Under) and all bills Bonds and Speciallities above five pounds and not under three Months made in the Said Province

Shall be Enrolled or Registered in the public Enrollment office of the said Province within the Space of two months after the making thereof Else to be void in Law and all deeds grants and Conveyances of Land (Except as aforesaid) within the Said province and made out of the Said province shall be Enrolled or Registered as aforesaid within Six Months next after the Making thereof and Settling and Constituting an Enrollment office or Registry within the Said Province Else to be Void in Law against all persons whatsoever and in Case the Deeds of Purchase in England made of Lands in this Province should be Lost by the Way and so cannot be Registered Copies of the Deeds attested by a Public Notary shall be of Equal force therein.

Chapter 53. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Wills in Writing attested by two Sufficient Witnesses shall be of the Same force as to Land as to Other Convayances being Legally proved within forty days Either within or Without the said Province.

Chapter 54. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the Will of no Person shall be of force that is not in his or her Right Mind and Usual understanding at the Making thereof.

Chapter 55. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the Estates of Intestates shall go to the Wife and to the Children and if no Wife be living at the time of his Death all the Estate Shall go to the Children and if no Children one third to the Governor and two thirds to the Next of Kin.

Chapter 56. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that there shall be a Registry for Births Marriages, Burials, Wills the Names of Executors and Guardians and Trustees and Letters of Administration distinct from the Other Register.

Chapter 57. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that there shall be a Registry for all Servants where their Names time Wages and days of freedom or Payment Shall be Registered.

Chapter 58. And be it further Enacted by the Authority Aforesaid that Servants Shall not be kept Longer than their time and Such as are Careful shall Be both Justly and Kindly Used in their Service and put in fitting Equipage at the Expiration thereof according to Custom and Such as Runaway and Serve not their time when Caught shall serve twice the time he or she was absent and pay the Charges or Serve out the Value after their time is Expired and if any Master abuse his Servant on Complaint to the next Justices of the Peace he shall take Care to redress the Said Grievance.

Chapter 59. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all factors or Correspondents in the Said Province Wronging their Employers shall make Satisfaction and one third over to the Said Employers and in Case of Death of any Such Factor or Correspondent the Committee of Trade Shall take care to Secure so much of the Deceased parties Estate as belongs to the Said Respective Employers.

Chapter 60. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all defacers or Corrupters of Charters, Gifts, Grants, Bonds, Bills, Wills, Contracts and Conveyances or that shall deface or falsify any Enrollment Registry or Record within this Province shall make Double Satisfaction for the Same half whereof shall go to the Party Wronged and they shall be dismissed of all places of Trust and be Publicly Disgraced as false Persons.

Chapter 61. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Lands and Goods shall be Liable to pay debts Except where there be Legal Issue and then all goods and one half of the Land only in Case the Land was bought before the Debts were Contracted.

Chapter 62. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Prisoners Shall be Bailable by Sufficient Sureties unless for Capital offences where the proof is Evident or the Presumption great and Every Quarter of a Year there shall be a gaol delivery in Every County where Imprisonment is not the Punishment.

Chapter 63. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that Gaolers shall not oppress their Prisoners and that all Prisons shall be free as to room and all Prisoners shall have Liberty to provide themselves Bedding food and other Necessaries during their Imprisonment Except Such whose Punishment by Law will not admit of that Liberty.

Chapter 64. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Prisons Shall be Workhouses for felons, Thieves, Vagrans and Loose abusive and Idle persons whereof one shall be in Every County.

Chapter 65. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that any Person Wrongfully Imprisoned shall have Damages against the Informer or Prosecutor.

Chapter 66. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that as in divers Laws the penalty of the offences is thus Expressed Either a Certain Sum of money or Certain time of Imprisonment at hard Labor in the house of Correction which shall be Left to the Choice of the Civil Magistrate which of the two punishments he will Inflict upon the Person offending and whoso Ever shall know of any of the aforementioned offenses and inform the Civil Magistrate thereof shall have one third of the fine and if any one shall Conceal Such person he or She Shall pay half the fine due from the Guilty Persons.

Chapter 67. And to the End that it may be known who those are that in this Province and territories thereunto belonging have Right of freemen to Choose or to be Chosen and with the Proprietary and Governor make and Enact Laws that Every Inhabitant of the said Province and Territories thereunto Annexed that is or Shall be a purchase of one hundred Acres of Land and hath seated the Same his Heirs and Assignes and Every person who Shall have paid his passage and taken up his fifty Acres of Land and Seated the Same and every inhabitant Artificer or Other Resident in the Said Province that payeth Scott and Lott to the Government Shall be Deemed and accounted A freeman of this Province and territory thereof and Such only Shall have Rights of Election or being Elected to any Service in the Government thereof provided also and be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Persons holding any office in this Province or the Territory thereunto belonging or that hath or shall have Right to Choose or to be Chosen Members in Assembly Shall be Such as shall first Subscribe this following declaration I A B do hereby freely acknowledge and Solemnly declare and Promise fidelity and Lawful obedience to William Penn Son & Heir of Sir William Penn deceased and his Heirs and Assigns as Rightful Proprietary and Governor of the Same according to the King's Letters Patents and Deeds of Grant and Feofment from James Duke of York and Albany ect., and that I will never Act nor do by Word or Deed Directly nor Indirectly anything nor Consent to nor Conceal any Person or thing whatsoever to the breach of this Solemn Engagement in Witness of Which I have hereunto Set my hand this day of in the year A B.

Chapter 68. And that Elections may not be Corruptly managed upon which the present and future good of the province so much depends be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Elections of Members as Representatives of the People and freemen of the Province of Pennsylvania and Territories Annexed to Serve in the Assembly there of shall be free and Voluntary and that the Elector that shall Receive any reward or Gift in meat, drink, monies or Otherways shall forfeit his Right to Elect and Such Person as Shall give promise or Bestow any Such Reward as aforesaid to be elected shall forfeit his Election and be thereby Incapable to Serve as aforesaid and the Assembly Shall be Sole Judges of the Regularity or Irregularity of the Elections of the Members thereof.

Chapter 69. And that the People may be fully Secured in the enjoyment of their Property be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that no Money or goods shall be raised upon or paid by any of the People of this Province and Territories annexed by way of a Public Tax Custom or Contribution but by a Law for that purpose made by the Government and Freemen of the Said Province & Territories thereof and whosoever Shall Levy, Collect, Receive or pay any money or Goods Contrary thereunto Shall be held and Punished as a Public Enemy to the Province and a Betrayer of the Liberty of the people and that no tax at any time shall Continue Longer than for the Space of one Whole Year.

Chapter 70. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the Laws of this Province from time to time shall be published & printed that Every Person may have the Knowledge thereof and they shall be one of the books taught in the Schools of this Province and Territories thereof.

Chapter 71. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Other matters and things not herein provided for which Shall or may Concern the public Justice peace and Safety of the Said Province and the Raising and Imposing Taxes Customs duties or other Charges Whatsoever Shall be and are hereby Referred to the Order Prudence and Determination of the Governor and Freemen of the Said Province from time to time.> 1682GL001


American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement


1682GL001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). Great Law of Pennsylvania, December 7, 1682. Benjamin Franklin Morris, The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States, Developed in the Official and Historical Annals of the Republic (Philadelphia, PA: George W. Childs, 1864), p. 83. "Frame of Government." Charter to William Penn..., and Duke of Yorke's Book of Laws. Remember William Penn, 1644-1944, Tercentenary Memorial (Harrisburg, PA: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1944), p. 85-86. Gary DeMar, God and Government-A Biblical and Historical Study (Atlanta, GA: American Vision Press, 1982), p. 115. "Our Christian Heritage," Letter from Plymouth Rock (Marlborough, NH: The Plymouth Rock Foundation), p. 2. D.P. Diffine, Ph.D., One Nation Under God-How Close a Separation? (Searcy, Arkansas: Harding University, Belden Center for Private Enterprise Education, 6th edition, 1992), p. 4. Gary DeMar, America's Christian History: The Untold Story (Atlanta, GA: American Vision Publishers, Inc., 1993), p. 67. Gary DeMar, "God and the Constitution" (Atlanta, GA: The Biblical Worldview, An American Vision Publication-American Vision, Inc., December 1993), p. 9.

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