Virginia House of Burgesses (February 24, 1632)

Virginia House of Burgesses (February 24, 1632) ordinances of Jamestown:

<It is ordered, That there be a uniformity throughout this colony both in substance and circumstance to the cannons and constitution of the Church of England...and that every person yield ready obedience unto them upon penalty of the pains and forfeitures in that case appointed.

That the statutes for coming to Church every Sunday and holidays be duly executed. That is to say; that the Church wardens do levy one shilling for every time of any person's absence from the Church having no lawful or reasonable excuse to be absent. And for due execution hereof the Governor and Council together with the burgesses of this grand Assembly do in God's name earnestly require and charge all commanders, captains and Church-wardens that they shall endeavor themselves to the uttermost of their knowledge that the due and true execution hereof may be done and had through this colony, as they will answer before God for such evils and plagues wherewith Almighty God may justly punish his people for neglecting this good and wholesome law.

And it is further ordered and thought expedient, according to a former order made, by the governor and council that all Church-wardens shall take this oath and that it bee administered before those that are of the commission for monthly courts:

"You shall swear that you shall make presentments of all such persons as shall lead a profane or ungodly life, of such as shall be common swearers, drunkards and blasphemers, that shall ordinarily profane the Sabbath days or contemn God's Holy word or sacraments. You shall also present all adulterers or fornicators, or such as shall abuse their neighbors by slandering tale carrying or back biting, or that shall not behave themselves orderly and soberly in the Church during Divine service. Likewise they shall present such masters and mistresses as shall be delinquent in the catechizing the youth and ignorant persons. So Help You God!"

No man shall disparage a minister whereby the minds of his parishioners may be alienated from him and his Ministry prove less effectual upon pain of sever censure of the governor and council.> 1632VA001


American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement.


1632VA001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). Virginia Ordinances, February 24, 1632), House of Burgesses, Jamestown.

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