Virginia House of Burgesses (March 2, 1643) ordinances of Jamestown:
<Whereas it was enacted at an Assembly in January 1641, that according to a statute made in the third year of the reign of our sovereign Lord King James of blessed memory, and that no popish recusants should at any time hereafter exercise the place or places of secret counselors, register or commissioner, surveyors or sheriff, or any other public place, but be utterly disabled for the same.
And it is further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the statute in force against the popish recusants be duly executed in this government, And that it should not be lawful under the penalty aforesaid for any popish priest that shall hereafter arrive to remain above five days after warning given for his departure by the Governor or commander of the place where he or they shall bee, if wind and weather hinder not his departure...> 1643VA001
1643VA001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). Virginia Ordinances, March 2, 1643, of House of Burgesses, Jamestown.