William Penn's Charter of Liberties of Pennsylvania (April 25, 1682)

William Penn's Charter of Liberties of Pennsylvania (April 25, 1682):

<To ALL PEOPLE to whom these presents shall come WHEREAS King Charles the second by his Letters, Patents under the Great Seal of England for the Considerations therein mentioned hath been graciously pleased to give and grant unto me William Penn (By the name of William Penn Esq'r son and heir of Sr. William Penn deceased) and to my heirs and assigns forever ALL that tract of land or province called PENNSILVANIA in America with divers Great Powers Pre-eminencies Royalties Jurisdictions and Authorities necessary for the Well-being and Government thereof

NOW KNOW YE That for the Well-Being and Government of the said Province and for the Encouragement of all the Freeman and Planters that may be therein concerned in pursuance of the powers afore mentioned I the said William Penn have declared Granted and Confirmed and by these presents for me my heirs and Assigns do declare grant and Confirm unto all the freemen Planters and Adventurers of in and to the said Province those Liberties Franchises and properties TO BE HEED Enjoyed and Kept by the Freemen Planters and Inhabitants of and in the said province of Pennsylvania forever...

2. THAT the freemen of the said Province shall...assemble...and there shall choose of themselves Seventy-Two persons of most note for their Wisdom Virtue and Ability who shall meet on the Tenth day of the first month next ensuing and always be called and act as the Provincial Council...

12. THAT-The Governour and Provincial Council shall Erect and order all publick Schools and encourage and Reward the Authors of useful Science and Laudable Inventions in the said province.

13. THAT-For the better management of the powers and Trust aforesaid the Provincial Council shall from time to time divide itself into four Distinct and proper Committees for the more Easy Administration...

A Committee of Justice and Safety to secure the peace of the province and punish the mal-administration of those who subvert Justice to the prejudice of the publick and private Interest...

And a Committee of manners Education and Arts that all Wicked and scandalous Living may be prevented and that Youth may be successively trained up in Virtue and useful Knowledge and Arts...

22. THAT-as often as any day of the month mentioned in any Article of this Charter shall fall on the First day of the Week commonly called the Lord's day the Business appointed for that day shall be differed till the next day unless in Case of Emergency...

IN WITNESS whereof I the said William Penn have unto this present Charter of Liberties Set my hand and Broad Seal this five and Twentieth day of the Second Month vulgarly called April in the year of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty and Two.> 1682CL001


American Quotations by William J. Federer, 2024, All Rights Reserved, Permission granted to use with acknowledgement


682CL001. William J. Federer, American Quotations (2014). William Penn's Charter of Liberties, April 25, 1682, Frame of Government of Pennsylvania.

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