DVD The Real Intent of Jefferson on Separation of Church & State / How the Birth of Jesus affected the Calendar
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"The Real Intent of Jefferson on Separation of Church & State " Did Jefferson want to outlaw God? Or tie the hands of churches? Or did Jefferson want to protect churches' freedom from Government intrusion and preserve the right to worship the Creator according to one's own conscience. What is the history of the "wall of separation" phrase - from Roger Williams, who fled from Massachusetts to Rhode Island. What letter was written by the Danbury Baptists of Connecticut to Jefferson, and what was his response. An eye-opening and easy-to-understand history. This DVD also has a special episode - Did you know the the dating system in use around the world is based on the Birth of Christ? BC to AD. Did you know the effort Emperor Constantine placed on calculating the date to celebrate Christ's resurrection? In 325 AD, the Council of Nicea changed it from Passover in the Jewish lunar calendar to a date on the Roman solar calendar - the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. By the Middle Ages, calendar inaccuracies caused the date of Easter to migrate too early in the year and the calendar was changed again. You will be amazed at how something so simply as our calendar has had such an elaborate history.