DVD 1 Miracles in American History: Vol. ONE (Episodes 1-10) War of Jenkin's Ear, French & Indian War, The Revolutionary War
First in a four DVD series adapted from Miracles in American History: Volume ONE: Amazing Stories of Answered Prayer by Susie Federer
10 dynamic, inspiring & professionally produced episodes, approximately 10 minutes each (Part of an expanded 40 episode series on four DVDs)
Episodes 1-10
From the early days of America to the present, the nation faced overwhelming challenges, but men and women of courage stepped forward in faith to see obstacles miraculously overcome.
Do you know of these Miracles in American history?
1. A French Armada sailed to set fire to New England, but a hurricane scattered it.
2. Battle of the Wilderness-Washington had four bullets through his coat yet escaped unharmed.
3. Following Boston's Tea Party-Jefferson drafted a Day of Fasting as the British blockaded Boston's harbor.
4. Battles of Lexington & Concord-colonists rallied and chased back the British.
5. Battle of Bunker Hill-“Don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes,” was the order as the British were twice repelled.
6. Colonel Knox performed a logistical miracle, moving 59 cannons 300 miles from Fort Ticonderoga to Dorchester Heights, overlooking the British ships. A storm then prevented the British from attacking so they evacuated Boston.
7. Battle of Brooklyn Heights-The war would have ended with an American defeat had not a dense fog allowed 8,000 Americans to escape.
8. Battles of Trenton and Princeton, “in our lowest and most dangerous estate...Washington, inspired by Heaven,” led Americans to victory.
9. Battle of Saratoga-6,000 British troops, astoundingly, were forced to surrender in the New York frontier.
10. Valley Forge-Washington knelt in the snow, and, amazingly, America's army survived the freezing winter, being sustained by the “spirit of liberty.”
Re-discover and be inspired by these fascinating, fast-paced accounts of faith and courage in the midst of seemingly insurmountable crises!
In 1746, 70 ships with 13,000 troops sailed from France to lay waste to the American colonies. Massachusetts Governor William Shirley proclaimed a Day of Fasting. What happened next was unexplainable!
After the Battle of Monongahela, George Washington wrote from Fort Cumberland to his younger brother, John Augustine Washington, July 18, 1755:
“But by the All-Powerful Dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me!”
How did Thomas Jefferson's resolution for a Day of Fasting on June 1, 1774, lead to the forming of the Continental Congress, and eventually Independence?
Did you know in 1781 the providential rising of three rivers in 10 days allowed Americans to escape British General Cornwallis?
Or how the uncanny way Benedict Arnold's planned betrayal of West Point was discovered?
George Washington exclaimed: "The Hand of Providence has been so conspicuous in all this (the course of the war) that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith."
Ben Franklin declared: "In the beginning of the Contest with Great Britain...we had daily prayer in this room for Divine protection...All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a Superintending Providence in our favor."
Are you aware of these American Miracles?
Find out in "Miracles in American History - Amazing Stories of Answered Prayer."