USB - Islamic Conquest Past & Present - video presentations
Video presentations on Islamic Conquest Past & Present, Political Islam's 1400 Year War on the West (16 half-hour episodes, MP4, USB Flash Drive)
Topics include:
In 2006, Keith Ellison became the first Muslim elected to the United States Congress. He swore in on a Qur'an. Most Americans know little about the Qur'an, who wrote it and how Islam spread.
Within 100 years of Mohammed's death, his followers conquered North Africa, the Holy Land, Persia, Spain - from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean.
President Barak Obama stated in Cairo, Egypt, June 4, 2009: “Islam has always been a part of America’s story.”
Indeed, Islam has affected the Western World from 622 AD to today’s headlines. This book will give you a fascinating glimpse into captivating events and amazing stories— you won't want to put it down!
Find how Islam is connected to:
- The stirrup for riding horses, who invented it and how Muslims used it to win military conquests?
- Santa Claus - how Islam caused the story of Saint Nicholas to spread from the Byzantine Empire to Western Europe in 1087 AD?
- How did Muslim Ottoman Turks invading the Byzantine Empire resulted in the Crusades, 1095-1272 AD?
- What did Marco Polo say was the origin of the word “assassin”?
- What happened to the Seven Churches of mentioned in the Book of Revelation?
- How did the 1000 year old Byzantine Empire get conquered?
- What did Sultan Mehmet II do to Constantinople in 1453 that led Columbus to set sail in 1492?
- Dracula – What is the real-life account of “Vlad the Impaler” in 1462, (not Bram Stoker’s 1897 fiction novel)?
- What did Martin Luther say in 1529 about Muslim Turkish Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent who was laying siege to Vienna?
- Who did Captain John Smith fight in Hungary in 1600 before founding Virginia in 1607?
- Who did James Oglethorpe fight in Serbia in 1717 before founding the Colony of Georgia?
- What happened to a Pilgrim ship returning to England to trade for supplies in 1625 when they met a Moroccan pirate man-of-war?
- September 11, 1683 – How the Muslims loss in the Battle of Vienna lead to coffee and croissant pastries spreading across Europe?
- How was Islamic expansion funded by the slave trade of millions Africans and Europeans?
- How did Thomas Jefferson and James Madison’s fighting the North African Barbary Pirates, 1805-1815, lead to the U.S. Marine nickname “leathernecks,' Marine “Mameluke” sword, Marine Anthem “From the halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli”?
- What happened to over 1.5 million Armenian Christians when President Woodrow Wilson failed to convince the U.S. Senate in 1922 to adopt Armenia as a protectorate — similar to Puerto Rico?
- What was the impact of oil being discovered in Saudi Arabia in 1938?
- ISIS, "genocide" of Christians in Middle East, Benghazi, Syrian Refugees, and more!