USB - Miracles in American History - Vol. TWO (video episodes 1-44)
Adapted from Miracles in American History: Volume TWO: Amazing Faith that Shaped the Nation by Susie Federer, focusing primarily on famous revivals.
Dynamic, inspiring & professionally produced episodes, approximately 28 minutes each (Part of an expanded 44 episode series on four DVDs)
1 - Miracles in American History-Volume Two Overview (DLKM)
2 - The Story of William Penn (TCT)
3 - Penn's Holy Experiment-The Seed of a Nation (TCT)
4 - Penn & the Freedom of Conscience (TCT)
5 - William Penn and Booker T. Washington (CBN)
6 - Père Marquette brings Gospel to Tribes along Illinois & Mississippi Rivers (TCT)
7 - Count Zinzendorf & the Moravians Missionaries - Part 1 (TCT)
8 - Count Zinzendorf & the Moravians Missionaries – Part 2 (TCT)
9 - Count Zinzendorf & the Moravians Missionaries – Part 3 (TCT)
10 - The Wesleys, the Religion of the Heart, & the Great Awakening (TCT)
11 – Benjamin Franklin – Part 1 (TCT)
12 - Benjamin Franklin – Part 2 (TCT)
13 - Ben Franklin, George Whitefield, & Great Awakening (TCT)
14 - Molly Pitcher, Betsy Ross, Courageous Women of the Revolution (TCT)
15 - Molly Pitcher, Missionaries to the Northwest, John Stewart (CBN)
16 - Baptist Church influence on Founders (TCT)
17 - Early Baptist History in American History (TCT)
18 - James Oglethorpe and Georgia History (TCT)
19 - Was America established a Christian Nation (TCT)
20 - Francis Asbury & the Circuit-riding Preachers (TCT)
21 - Early Black Preachers and Missionaries (TCT)
22 - John Marrant, George Liele, Haystack Revival, Adoniram Judson (CBN)
23 - John Stewart-Black Missionary to the Wyandot Tribe (TCT)
24 - Missionaries to the Indians of the Northwest Territory (TCT)
25 - First Missionaries to Hawaii (TCT)
26 - John Quincy Adams & his legal fight against slavery (TCT)
27 - Muslim Barbary Pirate Wars (TCT)
28 - Amazing Grace-John Newton and William Wilberforce (TCT)
29 - Charles Finney Revival-Every Member Must Work (TCT)
30 - William & Catherine Booth and the Salvation Army (TCT)
31 - George Williams and the YMCA (TCT)
32 - Layman's Prayer Revival and Evangelist D.L. Moody (TCT)
33 - Booker T Washington-From Slave to College President (TCT)
34 - Booker T Washington-Wisdom and World Influence (TCT)
35 - Notable Black Entrepreneurs (TCT)
36 - Billy Sunday-Baseball Star to Nationally Renowned Preacher (TCT)
37 - Eddie Rickenbacker-World War I Fighter Ace (TCT)
38 - In God We Trust (TCT)
39 - National Day of Prayer History (TCT)
40 - Four Chaplains Day & Mitsuo Fuchida-God’s Samurai (TCT)
41 - WWII in the Pacific, John F Kennedy & PT109 (TCT)
42 - Rev Martin Luther King Jr - "I have a dream" (TCT)
43 - NASA & Astronauts' Prayer on the Moon (TCT)
44 - What Brings Revival (TBN)