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He sat next to George Washington in the pew at St. Paul's Chapel in New York during the religious service following Washington's Presidential Inauguration.
He helped ratify the U.S. Constitution.
Fisher Ames was a Congressman from Massachusetts where, on August 20, 1789, he proposed as the wording of the First Amendment (Annals of Congress, 1:766):
"Congress shall make no law establishing religion, or to prevent the free exercise thereof, or to infringe the rights of conscience."
Ames wrote to George Richard Minot, June 12, 1789:
"The rights of conscience, of bearing arms, of changing the government, are declared to be inherent in the people. Freedom of the press, too."
Fisher Ames studied monarchies, republics, and democracies.
Democracy has two meanings:
- the first is a general reference to people ruling themselves;
- the second is an actual form of government where people rule themselves by being at every meeting, everyday, and voting on every issue.
As an actual form of government, democracy only worked on a small scale, like the city-state of Athens, because any larger than that, citizens could not logistically travel the distance to meet everyday.
A republic is where the people rule themselves through representatives. This allows republics to grow larger, like the Roman Republic.
The most efficient form of government is a monarchy: one person gives the order, and everyone instantly obeys or they could be killed.
Democracies and republics have individual freedom, but are inefficient, as everybody gets to give their opinion.
Fisher Ames contrasted MONARCHY with a REPUBLIC, as recorded by Ralph Waldo Emerson in his Essays, 1844 (second series, chapter 7- "Politics," p. 97; Library of America, 1983):
"Monarchy is a merchantman (large ship) which sails well, but will sometimes strike on a rock and go to the bottom;
whilst a republic is a raft, which would never sink, but then your feet are always in water."

"We now set out with our experimental project, exactly where Rome failed with hers. We now begin, where she ended."
One of the most famous orators to have served in Congress, Fisher Ames, at the age of 46, was elected Harvard's president, but he declined to serve due to an illness which eventually led to his death.
Exactly 32 years to the day after America declared its Independence, Fisher Ames died on July 4, 1808, at the age of 50.

Warning against the deep-state temptation of those in power to rig the system to stay in power, Fisher Ames wrote in "Speeches on Mr. Madison's Resolutions" (Works of Fisher Ames, compiled by a number of his friends, Boston, T.B. Wait & Co., 1809, p. 48):
"To control trade by law, instead of leaving it to the better management of the merchants ... (is) to play the tyrant in the counting house, and in directing the private expenses of our citizens, are employments equally unworthy of discussion."
At the Massachusetts Convention, January 15, 1788, Fisher Ames warned that democracy without morals would eventually reduce the nation to the basest of human passions and lawlessness, swallowing freedom:
"A democracy is a volcano which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction."
Fisher Ames commented in "The Dangers of American Liberty," 1805 (published in Works of Fisher Ames: with a selection from his speeches and correspondence, Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1854, pp. 349):
"The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness, which the ambitious call, and the ignorant believe to be, liberty."
"Licentiousness" is defined as: sexually unrestrained; lascivious; libertine; lewd; unrestrained by law or general morality; lawless; immoral ... Synonyms: abandoned, profligate.
New York's State Constitution, 1777, stated:
"The liberty of conscience hereby granted, shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness (sexual immorality)."
The Greek philosopher Plato warned that liberty, unrestrained by morals, would eventually permit licentiousness and debased sexual immorality:
"And so the young man passes ... into the freedom and libertinism of useless and unnecessary pleasures ..."
"In all of us, even in good men, there is a lawless wild-beast nature ..."
"Unnecessary pleasures and appetites I conceive to be unlawful ..."
"Everyone appears to have them, but in some persons they are controlled ... while in ... others they are stronger ...
and there is no conceivable folly or crime -- not excepting incest or any other unnatural union ... which ... when he has parted company with all shame and sense, a man may not be ready to commit ..."
Plato continued:
"Can liberty have any limit?
Certainly not ... By degrees the anarchy finds a way into private houses ...
The son is on a level with his father, he having no respect or reverence for either of his parents; and this is his freedom ...
Citizens ... chafe impatiently at the least touch of authority ... they will have no one over them ...
Such ... is the fair and glorious beginning out of which springs tyranny ...
Liberty overmasters democracy ... the excessive increase of anything often causes a reaction in the opposite direction ...
The excess of liberty, whether in States or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery ...
And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme form of liberty."
Oxford anthropologist J.D. Unwin, in his 1934 book Sex and Culture, confirmed that after studying 80 civilizations over 5,000 years, that monogamous heterosexual marriage precedes cultural advancement, and that sexual promiscuity always precedes a civilization's collapse.
Once a country begins to go down the path of unrestrained sexual passion, it is irreversible, the nation is doomed. Lust refuses to be limited, and as an out of control fire, it will burn down everything.
British historian Arnold Toynbee examined 22 major world civilizations and found that they started to decay when they lost their moral fiber and deep-state elites turned parasitic:
"Of the twenty-two civilizations that have appeared in history, nineteen of them collapsed when they reached the moral state the United States is in now."

Fisher Ames' predictions of "licentiousness" came true in the the very State from which he was a Congressman - Massachusetts.

During the term of Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, the Massachusetts Supreme Court, in the 2003 case of Goodridge, necessitated the State recognize same-sex marriage.

Since then, the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender agenda began to be taught in schools.
The sexually explicit classroom materials contain content that a few years earlier would have been prosecuted as pornography or "grooming," the crime of emotionally preparing a child for sexual abuse and exploitation.
The six stages of "grooming" children are:
1) Targeting the victim;
2) Gaining the victim's trust, often as a teacher;
3) Filling a need;
4) Isolating the child;
5) Sexualizing the relationship, progressively desensitizing the child with sexual explicit pictures, followed by the adult exploiting a child's natural curiosity and shaping the child's sexual preferences;
6) Maintaining control.
Source accessed 8/28/22:
The logical end of this agenda would be to lower the age of consent, promote acceptability of pedophilia, and decriminalize child prostitution, as Bangkok, Thailand, or ancient Pompeii, Italy.
The tactic used to promote this agenda is to guilt-trip Christians into being more Christian than Christ, --that if someone was really "Christian" they would tolerate children being taught something that Jesus would never teach.
Contrary to transgender sexual fluidity and same-sex marriage, Jesus taught in Matthew 19:4-5:
“Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’"
In other words, those sexualizing children want Christians to approve something Jesus would never approve. They are effectively saying, if you are really Christian, you won't act like Christ.
Yet Jesus warned in Matthew 18:6:
“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea."

Disturbingly, those who do not immediately embrace this child-grooming agenda are at risk of being discriminated against;
- employees fired;
- businesses sued;
- attorneys disbarred;
- adoption agencies penalized;
- domestic violence increased;
- churches demonized,
- hospitals forced to provide sex change services; and
- retaliation against doctors who expose the health risks of licentious lifestyles.
Those holding biblical views similar to America's founders, such as Fisher Ames, are experiencing a loss of their freedom of religion and speech.
It is an ironic twist to see those who have come "out of the closet" be determined to shove into the closet anyone who disagrees with them!

President Donald Trump stated in South Dakota, July 3, 2020:
"Our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values, and indoctrinate our children.
Angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our Founders, deface our most sacred memorials, and unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities ...
One of their political weapons is 'Cancel Culture' — driving people from their jobs, shaming dissenters, and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees.
This is the very definition of totalitarianism, and it is completely alien to our culture and our values, and it has absolutely no place in the United States of America ..."

He continued:
"In our schools, our newsrooms, even our corporate boardrooms, there is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance.
If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished.
It’s not going to happen to us. Make no mistake: this left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution."
Fisher Ames considered the American Constitution a balancing act between a despotic king wielding with a sword on one side and an uncontrolled woke mob democracy on the other, as was the case during French Revolution's Reign of Terror.

Ames did not trust the "popular reason" of ungodly woke mobs, similar to what was experienced in America with the defunding of police, Antifa and BLM riots, and Seattle's "autonomous zones."
As recorded in Russell Kirk's The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2001. p. 83):
"Popular reason does not always know how to act right, nor does it always act right when it knows."

Ames explained in a letter, October 26, 1803, that immoral mobs can be easily manipulated (Works of Fisher Ames: With a Selection from His Speeches and Correspondence, edited by Seth Ames, 2 vols. 1854, p. 483):
"Our country is too big for union, too sordid for patriotism, too democratic for liberty. What is to become of it, He who made it best knows. Its vice will govern it, by practising upon its folly. This is ordained for democracies."

Ames believed that the chaos of an uncontrolled mob would result in a cry for order, providing an excuse for the return to a military despot.
He stated, as recorded in Henry Adams' History of the United States of America During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson (NY, NY: The Library of America, 1986):
"A democracy cannot last. Its nature ordains that its next change should be into a military despotism ...
The reason is that the tyranny of what is called the people, and that by the sword, both operate alike to debase and corrupt, til there are neither men left with the spirit to desire liberty, nor morals with the power to sustain justice. Like the burning pestilence that destroys the human body, nothing can subsist by its dissolution but vermin."

Russell Kirk described Fisher Ames in The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2001, chapter 3, p. 81-85):
"As time runs on, Ames grows more intense.
Democracy cannot last ... When property is snatched from hand to hand ... then society submits cravenly to the immorality of rule by the sword ...
Of all the terrors of democracy, the worst is its destruction of moral habits.
'A democratic society will soon find its morals ... the surly companion of its licentious joys'...
Is there no check upon these excesses? ..."
Russell Kirk continued:
"The press supplies an endless stimulus to popular imagination and passion; the press lives upon heat and coarse drama and incessant restlessness.
'It has inspired ignorance with presumption' ... 'Constitutions,' says Ames, 'are but paper; society is the substratum of government' ...
Like Samuel Johnson, (Ames) finds the key to political decency in private morality."
Aaron McLeod wrote in "Great Conservative Minds: A Condensation of Russell Kirk's The Conservative Mind" (October 2005, Alabama Policy Institute, Birmingham, AL, ch. 3, p. 9-10}:
"Ames was pessimistic about the American experiment because he doubted there were sufficient numbers of men with the moral courage and charisma to preserve the country from the passions of the multitudes and the demagogues who master them.
He was convinced that the people as a body cannot reason and are easily swayed by clever speakers and political agents. In his words, 'few can reason, all can feel' ...
Democracy could not last, Ames thundered, 'for despotism lies at the door; when the tyranny of the majority leads to chaos, society will submit to rule by the sword ...'"
Aaron McLeod continued:
"To Ames, what doomed the American experiment was the democratic destruction of morals ...
Ames believed that justice and morality in America would fail, and popular rule cannot support justice, without which moral habits fall away.
Neither the free press nor paper constitutions could safe-guard order from these excesses, for the first is merely a stimulus to popular passion and imagination, while the other is a thin bulwark against corruption.
When old prescription and tradition are dismissed, only naked force matters."
George Washington wrote in his undelivered draft of his Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789:
"No compact among men ... can be pronounced everlasting .... that no wall of words, that no mound of parchment can be so formed as to stand against the sweeping torrent of boundless ambition on the one side, aided by the sapping current of corrupted morals on the other."
Fisher Ames wrote in American Literature, 1805 (Works of Fisher Ames: with a selection from his speeches and correspondence. Boston: Little, Brown.1854, pp. 441):
"Liberty has never yet lasted long in a democracy; nor has it ever ended in any thing better than despotism."
Massachusetts colonial leader Cotton Mather wrote in Magnalia Christi Americana, 1702:
"Religion begat prosperity, and the daughter devoured the mother."
Methodist founder John Wesley left a sober warning July 2, 1789:
"Christianity, true Scriptural Christianity, has a tendency in the process of time to destroy itself.
For wherever true Christianity spreads, it must cause diligence and frugality, which, in the natural course of things, must beget riches!
And riches naturally beget pride, love of the world, and every temper that is destructive to Christianity. Wherever it generally prevails, it ultimately saps its own foundation."
Fisher Ames' predictions were echoed by Britain's Lord Thomas MacCauley, who wrote in 1857 to New York's Democrat Secretary of State, Henry S. Randall:
"Distress ... makes the laborer ... discontented, and inclines him to listen with eagerness to agitators who tell him that it is a monstrous iniquity that one man should have a million while another cannot get a full meal ...
The day will come when, in the State of New York, a multitude of people, none of whom has had more than half a breakfast ... will choose a Legislature ...
On one side is a statesman preaching patience, respect for vested rights, strict observance of public faith.
On the other is a demagogue ranting about the tyranny of capitalists ... and asking why anybody should be permitted to drink champagne and to ride in a carriage while thousands of honest folks are in want of necessaries.
Which of the two candidates is likely to be preferred by a working man who hears his children cry for more bread?"
When George Washington died on December 14, 1799. Fisher Ames delivered a eulogy "An Oration on the Sublime Virtues of General George Washington," February 8, 1800.
Ames' famous address was given at Boston's Old South Meeting-House, before the Lieutenant Governor, the Council, and both branches of the Massachusetts Legislature (Boston: Young & Minns, 1800, p. 23). Ames stated:
"Our liberty depends on our education, our laws, and habits ...
It is founded on morals and religion, whose authority reigns in the heart, and on the influence all these produce on public opinion before that opinion governs rulers."

Ames understood that in America:
>The COUNTRY is controlled by LAWS;
>LAWS are controlled by POLITICIANS;
>POLITICIANS are controlled by VOTERS;
>VOTERS are controlled by PUBLIC OPINION;
>PUBLIC OPINION is controlled by MEDIA (News,
>so whoever controls MEDIA, EDUCATION, CHURCHES, and the INTERNET, controls the COUNTRY.
Similarly, John Adams warned October 11, 1798:
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion.
Avarice (greed), ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net ...
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Fisher Ames' views reflected George Washington's views.
In a draft of this First Inaugural Address, April 1789, George Washington wrote:
"The best institution may be abused by human depravity; and ... in some instances be made subservient to the vilest purposes."
George Washington made a similar statement in his Farewell Address, September 19, 1796:
"With slight shades of difference, you have the same Religion ...
Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports.
In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness ...
The mere Politician ... ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity ..."

Washington added:
"Let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion.
Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle ...
Virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government ...
Who that is a sincere friend to it, can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric?"
Fisher Ames recommended the Bible, as quoted in the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge (Bela Bates Edward, editor of Quarterly Observer, Brattleboro, VT: Joseph Steen & Co.; Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co.; New York: Lewis Colby, 1851, p. 78):
"No man ever did or ever will become truly eloquent without being a constant reader of the Bible, and an admirer of the purity and sublimity of its language."
In his own words, Fisher Ames expressed that children reading the Bible was necessary for America's free government to continue (The Mercury and New-England Palladium of Boston, Vol. XVII, No. 2,8, Jan. 27, 1801, p. 1):
"It has been the custom of late years to put a number of little books into the hands of children, containing fables and moral lessons ...
Many books for children are ... injudiciously compiled ... the moral is drawn from the fable they know not why ...
Some of the most admired works of this kind abound with a frothy sort of sentiment ... the chief merit of which consists in shedding tears and giving away money ..."

Ames recommended:
"Why then, if these books for children must be retained ... should not the Bible regain the place it once held as a school book?
Its morals are pure, its examples captivating and noble.
The reverence for the Sacred Book, that is thus early impressed, lasts long - and probably, if not impressed in infancy never takes firm hold of the mind ..."
Fisher Ames concluded:
"One consideration more is important:
In no book is there so good English, so pure and so elegant - and by teaching all the same book they will speak alike, and the Bible will justly remain the standard of language as well as of faith."

D. James Kennedy paraphrased the words of Fisher Ames in his address "The Great Deception" (Fort Lauderdale, FL: Coral Ridge Ministries, 1989; 1993, p. 3; Dec. 1, 1992, Ottawa, IL):
"We have a dangerous trend beginning to take place in our education. We're starting to put more and more textbooks into our schools.
We've become accustomed of late of putting little books into the hands of children, containing fables and moral lessons.
We're spending less time in the classroom on the Bible, which should be the principal text in our schools. The Bible states these great moral lessons better than any other man-made book."
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Well-done, Dr. Federer!
This is one of the best articles you’ve ever written. I’m always surprised how much this Fisher Ames, in an age when slavery and absolute monarchies were the standard, could foresee the pervasiveness of the Alphabet Mafia. It goes to show that technology may change, but human nature doesn’t.
America will return to greatness this year!