Columbus landed on Jamaica in 1494, claiming it for Spain.

In 1503, Columbus shipwrecked at Jamaica's Saint Ann's Bay.

Columbus remained there for over a year. A monument marks the spot. A few years later, the city of Sevilla was founded - the first Spanish settlement on Jamaica.

For the next two centuries, the Caribbean was ruled by Spanish ships, and the pirates who robbed them.
One notorious pirate was the Frenchman François le Clerc, who died in 1563. He was known as "Peg Leg" after he lost his leg in a sea raid.
Peg Leg had an entire fleet of pirate ships which robbed Spanish vessels then returned with the booty to the island of Saint Lucia.

Peg Leg so thoroughly sacked Santiago, the Spanish capital of Cuba, that Spain moved the capital to Havana.

Other infamous pirates were:
- English pirate Sir Francis Drake, called "El Draque," who lived 1540-1595;
- Welsh pirate Sir Henry Morgan, namesake of the rum, who lived 1635-1688;

- French pirate Francois l'Olonnais, who lived 1635-1668;
- Scottish pirate William Kidd, who lived 1645-1701;
- English pirate Henry Every, called "Long Ben," born 1653;
- English pirate Edward Teach, called "Blackbeard," who lived 1680-1718;

- Welsh pirate Bartholomew Roberts, called "Black Bart," who lived 1682-1722;
- English pirate "Calico Jack" Rackham who lived 1682-1720;
- Irish female pirate Anne Bonny, who lived 1700-1782;
- and the Irish pirate queen Grace O'Malley, who lived 1530-1603.

A common pirate tactic was to fly a flag of surrender or truce, or the flag of a friendly country, as a disguise to lure an unsuspecting ship to draw near.
Once the targeted ship was close enough to discover the deception, it was too late for them to escape. The fearsome sight of pirates boarding their unlucky ship struck such terror into the hearts of the passengers that in a panic they quickly surrendered their valuables.

This tactic was called flying a "false flag."

"False flag" has since become a political term to describe incidents orchestrated by deep state government operatives for the purpose of inciting panic so severe that people quickly surrender their freedoms in exchange for order being restored.
Perpetrators of "false flags" often play the victim and blame the incidents on their innocent political opponents -- a maneuver called "psychological projection" or "blame-shifting."

This involves a behavior called "seizing the moral high ground," where those pushing an unjust cause seek to appear just in front of the public, while framing those opposing them as being unjust.

A classic use of "seizing the moral high ground" is when casinos want to move into a state. Opponents cite statistics of gambling increasing crime, drugs, prostitution, bankruptcies and broken homes; but if the casinos can give a small amount of their profits to schools, they can claim they are morally superior by "helping the children," and if someone does not support expanding casinos they must "hate the children."

The pirate skull flag, called the "Jolly Roger," was adapted from the flag of the Muslim Barbary pirates who raided ships and beheaded enemies with their scimitar swords.

In 1625, Muslim corsairs flew skull or scimitar flags when raiding Cornwall to take English as slaves.

From the 16th to 19th centuries, Muslim Barbary pirates raided and kidnapped an estimated one million from England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, and Iceland, selling them as slaves in Tripoli, Algiers, and Tunis.

One of the Pilgrims' ships was captured by Barbary pirates.

Pilgrim Governor Bradford wrote in Of Plymouth Plantation, of an incident in 1625:
"Two fishing ships ... with corfish ... and ... 800 pounds of beaver, as well as other furs, to a good value from the plantation ... went joyfully home ... till they were well within the England channel, almost in sight of Plymouth ...
But even there she was unhapply taken by a Turkish man-of-war and carried off to Saller -- Morocco -- where the captain and crew were made slaves ...
... Thus all their hopes were dashed and the joyful news they meant to carry home was turned to heavy tidings ... and now by the ship taken by the Turks ... that all trade was dead."

In 1516, Muslim pirate Barbarossa -- Redbeard -- became king of Algiers and proceeded to raid Spanish ships and the coasts of Spain, France and Italy.

He allied himself with Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and gained naval dominance of the Mediterranean.

Thousands of Christian captives were made slaves and kept in rat infested Bagnio dungeons.
Giles Milton wrote of Thomas Pellow, who was captured in 1704 at the age of 11 from an English fishing village and became property of Sultan Moulay Ismail.

Sultan Ismail had 25,000 white slaves build his grand palace in Meknes - the “Versailles of Morocco."

Once, he ordered guards to push Christian slaves off a high wall they were building because they were not hammering in sync.
He beat his slaves “in the cruelest manner imaginable, to try if they were hard” and murdered some for “hiding pieces of bread.”
His 500 wives, mostly captured European women, bore him a record 1,042 children.
An account of Sultan Moulay Ismail, titled A Journey to Mequinez -- Meknes --, written by John Windus, London, 1825, stated:
"His trembling court assemble, which consists of ... blacks, whites, tawnies and his favorite Jews, all barefooted ...
He is ... known by his very looks ... and sometimes the color of the habit that he wears, yellow being observed to be his killing color; from all of which they calculate whether they may hope to live twenty-four hours longer ...
... When he goes out of town ... he will be attended by fifteen or twenty thousand blacks on horseback, with whom he now and then diverts himself at -- by throwing -- the lance ...
His traveling utensils are two or three guns, a sword or two, and two lances, because one broke once while he was murdering;
... His boys carry short Brazil sticks, knotted cords for whipping, a change of clothes to shift when bloody, and a hatchet, two of which he took in a Portuguese ship, and the first time they were bought to him, killed a man without any provocation, to try if they were good."

Witnessing tortures, beheadings and forced conversions to Islam, Thomas Pellow escaped after 23 years. A distant relative, Sir Edward Pellew, led the British fleet to bombard Algiers in 1816, freeing thousands.

Jews were pressured to flee. Twenty-three Jews sailed from Recife to Port Royal, Jamaica.
They boarded the French ship Sainte Catherine and headed north, but were robbed by a Spanish privateer and stripped of their valuables.

Arriving in the Dutch Colony of New Amsterdam on August 22, 1654, they were considered the first Jews to settle in North America.

In 1655, Jamaica was captured by British Admiral William Penn, the father of Pennsylvania's founder.
While Admiral Penn was sailing the Caribbean, a Quaker missionary named Thomas Loe, visited the Penn estate and witnessed to 15-year-old William Penn, Jr.
This was the first time young Penn had heard about the light of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. He later recalled that it was during this time that "the Lord visited me and gave me divine Impressions of Himself."

Young William Penn later became a Quaker and later founded Pennsylvania.

Jamaica was too far away for England to defend, so the inhabitants turned to the lawless privateers, freebooters, buccaneers, and pirates for protection from Spain.

They would attack Spanish ships and settlements, then return with the gold and booty to Jamaica.

On Jamaica's sandy southeast coast, the city of Port Royal grew to surpass Boston as England's most prosperous New World settlement.

Many of the Caribbean's thousands of pirates and smugglers operated from there, with half of the 200 ships a year passing through the harbor transporting slaves, liquor, and other contraband trade to Spanish America.

Drinking, gaming houses, slave trading, brothels, taverns and grog shops, attracted "pirates, cutthroats, whores and some of the vilest persons in the whole of the world."

Port Royal was called "the richest and wickedest city in the world" or "the Sodom of the New World."

Suddenly, JUNE 7, 1692, an earthquake and tsunami sank Port Royal under the sea, followed by violent aftershocks.

Over 2,000 drowned. Graves were opened and bodies washed about.
The sea inundated the town's wharf, "with all those goodly brick houses upon it ... and two entire streets beyond that."

Enormous waves tossed ships from the harbor into buildings, and in many places the ground opened up and "swallow'd up multitudes of people together."

Eye-witness Reverend Emmanuel Heath, the Anglican rector for Port Royal, had finished his morning prayer service at Saint Paul's Church and was meeting with John White, president of the island's council, when the floor began "rowling and moving" and they "heard the church and tower fall."

The National Geographic article, "How the ‘wickedest city on Earth’ was sunk by an earthquake," published July 29, 2022, described:
"On the morning of June 7, 1692, the church rector of Port Royal, Jamaica, was running late for a lunch appointment, but a friend entreated him to delay just a while longer. It was a small choice that saved his life. The ground began to roll and rumble ... this quaking only increased in intensity, and the two men soon heard the church tower collapse into rubble.
The rector sprinted outside, racing for open ground. By his description, the land split open, swallowing crowds of people and homes in one gulp and then sealing closed. The sky darkened to red, mountains crumbled in the distance, and geysers of water exploded from the seams ripped in the earth. He turned to see a great wall of seawater swelling high above the town.
"On the morning of June 7, 1692, the church rector of Port Royal, Jamaica, was running late for a lunch appointment, but a friend entreated him to delay just a while longer. It was a small choice that saved his life. The ground began to roll and rumble ... this quaking only increased in intensity, and the two men soon heard the church tower collapse into rubble.

The rector sprinted outside, racing for open ground. By his description, the land split open, swallowing crowds of people and homes in one gulp and then sealing closed. The sky darkened to red, mountains crumbled in the distance, and geysers of water exploded from the seams ripped in the earth. He turned to see a great wall of seawater swelling high above the town.

In a letter describing the disaster, the shocked rector wrote, 

“In the space of three minutes ... Port Royal, the fairest town of all the English plantations, the best emporium and mart of this part of the world, exceeding in its riches, plentiful of all good things, was shaken and shattered to pieces” ...

As many as 2,000 people were killed immediately, and thousands more died soon after."

Reverend Emmanuel Heath wrote:
"Port Royal was terribly destroyed by an earthquake and breaking in of the sea upon it. The destruction was sudden ... in four minutes multitudes were killed by the falling houses ...

... I believe God I never in my life saw such a terror ... the earth opened and swallowed up people before my face ...
The sea swallowed up the greatest part of that wretched sinful place ... They are so wicked, I fear God ... will utterly destroy all by this dreadful Judgment ...
By this terrible judgment, God will make them reform their lives, for there was not a more ungodly people on the face of the earth."

A Quaker resident, John Pike, wrote June 19, 1692:
"Ah brother! If thou didst see those great persons that are now dead upon the water thou couldst never forget it.
Great men who were so swallowed up with pride, that a man could not be admitted to speak with them, and women whose top-knots seemed to reach the clouds, now lie stinking upon the water, and are made meat for fish and fowls of the air."

A resident, Samuel Bernard, wrote:
"We shall be unworthy of God's mercies if we be not by His judgments taught to learn righteousness."

Members of the Jamaica Council declared
"We are become ... an instance of God Almighty's severe judgment,"
therefore every future "seventh of June ... be kept and observed by all the inhabitants of this Island, as an anniversary day of fasting and humiliation," in hopes that acknowledging "manifold sins and wickednesses committed against his Divine Majesty," may "appease God's imminent wrath and prevent heavier judgements."

Reverend John Shower wrote in his Practical Reflections on the late Earthquakes in Jamaica, 1693:
"It is dreadful to think ... how Atheism, and Infidelity prevails, and barefac'd Deism, with the Rejection of Christianity, and all Revealed Religion ...

... If you do not truly Repent, so as to hate Sin, and leave it, and turn to the Lord;
if you do not unfeignedly give up Yourselves to God in Christ, as your Saviour, and Sovereign, your Judgment is near, your Destruction is at hand, you must Perish; and that more dreadfully, than most others in the World."
The first Moravian Christian missionaries arrived in Jamaica in 1754.

They shunned the towns and insisted on living in the rural areas to minister to the slaves in the area of Saint Elizabeth.

In 1782, George Lisle, the first ordained black American, went to Jamaica with other freed slaves to begin a Baptist Mission.
The Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions (NY: Macmillan, ed. Gerald H. Anderson, 1998, 400-1) stated:

"Liele obtained a loan and accepted the status of indentured servant to pay the passage for himself, his wife, and his four children on a ship bound for Jamaica.
Landing there in January 1783, he soon repaid the debt and secured permission to preach to the slaves on the island.
Thus by the time William Carey — often mistakenly perceived to be the first Baptist missionary — sailed for India in 1793, Liele had worked as a missionary for a decade, supporting himself and his family by farming and by transporting goods with a wagon and team.
Apparently, he never received or accepted remuneration for his ministry, most of which was directed to the slaves.
He preached, baptized hundreds, and organized them into congregations governed by a church covenant he adapted to the Jamaican context.
By 1814 his efforts had produced, either directly or indirectly, some 8,000 Baptists in Jamaica."

The African Methodist Episcopal denomination, founded by Richard Allen in 1816, sent missionaries to the Caribbean, Haiti, San Domingo and Africa.

In September of 1860, Jamaica was visited with a tremendous revival, as documented in Dr. J. Edwin Orr's book, The Event of the Century: The 1857-1858 Awakening.
Moravian missionary Reverend Theodor Sonderman recorded that the revival began in Saint Elizabeth Parish and spread to Montego Bay, Bethel Town, Spanish Town, Clarendon and Kingston.

Fervency in prayer was accompanied by trembling, crying out to the Lord, weeping, and repentance.
One morning prayer meeting drew 500 people.

Baptists reported over 6,000 baptized.
United Presbyterian Church reported 4,000 new members, calling it "the most remarkable and encouraging -- news -- that have ever come from Jamaica."

Wesleyan Methodist Churches reported thousands of new members with sinners wailing and "strong crying with tears."

Churches were crowded to overflowing with membership roles exploding.

Crime subsided, gambling houses closed, superstitions were abandoned, and cohabiting couples were married.

Congregationalists considered the Island completely evangelized.
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