"The Big Switch" was NOT Republicans and Democrats switching places regarding race issues, it was the Democrat Party switching tactics on how to manipulate minority voters, by creating a permanent dependency on government.

The phrases "the bribe or the bullet," and "the silver or the lead," refer to positive or negative human motivations.

Parents and preschool teachers are familiar with motivating children through negative disciplinary consequences or with positive rewards, such as a piece of candy.

From the Civil War to Lyndon Johnson, Southern Democrats utilized the negative motivation of intimidation to keep African Americas from voting.

But as television and media reporting revealed the horrors of these intimidation tactics, it was bad press for the Democrat Party.
Political strategists proposed a different tactic to control minority voters, namely, switching from "intimidation" to "entitlement."
In other words, instead of suppressing the minority vote through intimidation, it could be controlled through dependency on entitlement programs.

According to Ronald Kessler's book, Inside The White House (1996), Lyndon Johnson, who had a reputation for vulgarity in private conversations, explained his intention to make the BIG SWITCH in strategy from intimidation to entitlement to two Democrat governors aboard Air Force One, saying:
"I'll have those n****rs voting Democratic for the next 200 years."

Malcolm X exposed this liberal Democrat tactic in a 1963 address:
"The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful, more hypocritical than the conservative.
Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor,
and by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or a weapon in this political football game that is constantly raging between the white liberal and the white conservative.
The American Negro is nothing but a political football and the white liberals control this ball through tricks or tokenism, false promises of integration and civil rights.
In this game of deceiving and using the American Negro, the white liberals have complete cooperation of the Negro civil rights leaders who sell our people out for a few crumbs of token recognition, token gains, token progress."

Manning Johnson, a black activist recruited by Marxists, but later left them to write Color, Communism and Common Sense, 1957:
"White leftists descended on Negro communities like locusts, posing as 'friends' come to help 'liberate' their black brothers ...
Everything was inter-racial, an inter-racialism artificially created, cleverly devised as a camouflage of the red plot to use the Negro."

Lyndon Johnson's Great Society Welfare State proceeded to enroll large numbers of minorities into entitlement programs.
At first this was difficult, as most blacks were independent and self-reliant, averse to being dependent on gifts from an all-powerful government.

This attitude was expressed by George W. Carver, who wrote in A Brief Sketch of My Life, 1922:
"I would never allow anyone to give me money, no difference how badly I needed it. I wanted literally to earn my living."

Democrat social workers overcame this initial opposition from those "too proud" to take a hand out, and enrolled increasingly larger numbers.

This gradually led to a cultural shift of generational dependency, and with it, a strong tendency for recipients to vote for Democrat candidates who promised more hand outs.

In other words: more dependents translates into more votes.

As lower income voters grew more dependent on government programs, it proportionally increased the Democrat Party's voting constituency.

Alexis de Tocqueville warned:
"The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money."

Attracting voters by promising hand outs was a tactic predicted back in 1857, in a letter that Britain's Lord Thomas MacCauley wrote to New York's Democrat Secretary of State, Henry S. Randall:
"Distress ... makes the laborer ... discontented, and inclines him to listen with eagerness to agitators who tell him that it is a monstrous iniquity that one man should have a million while another cannot get a full meal ...
The day will come when, in the State of New York, a multitude of people, none of whom has had more than half a breakfast ... will choose a Legislature ...
On one side is a statesman preaching patience, respect for vested rights, strict observance of public faith.

... On the other is a demagogue ranting about the tyranny of capitalists ... and asking why anybody should be permitted to drink champagne and to ride in a carriage while thousands of honest folks are in want of necessaries.
Which of the two candidates is likely to be preferred by a working man who hears his children cry for more bread?"

Plato described in his Republic, 380 BC, how a tyrant will seize power by "hinting at the abolition of debts," taking money from his political opponents and funneling it to his political supporters:
"Hinting at the abolition of debts and partition of lands ... he ... begins to make a party against the rich ... that they may be impoverished by payment of taxes, and thus compelled to devote themselves to their daily wants and therefore less likely to conspire against him ... Their leaders deprive the rich of their estates and distribute them among the people." 

Julius Caesar worded it this way:
“Use money to get men and use men to get money.”

George Bernard Shaw stated:
"A government policy to rob Peter to pay Paul can be assured of the support of Paul."

This "bribe for votes" tactic was used by Juan Perón to seize political power in Argentina.

Hugo Chavez used it to seize political power in Venezuela.

Vote-buying eventually leads to national bankruptcy, as Margaret Thatcher warned:
"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”

Promotion of dependency for political purposes also led to a change in immigration policy.

Lyndon Johnson, with the help of Democrat Senator Edward Kennedy, changed immigration quotas to bring in more immigrants from poorer, third world countries.

These could be immediately enrolled in entitlement programs, and thus, be inclined to vote for the party promising to continue free benefits.

LBJ's immigration policy change initiated a demographic transformation reminiscent of the Fall of Rome.

Will and Ariel Durant wrote in The Story of Civilization (Vol. 3-Caesar and Christ, Simon & Schuster, 1944, p. 366):
"If Rome had not engulfed so many men of alien blood in so brief a time ...
If she had occasionally closed her gates to let assimilation catch up with infiltration, she might have gained new racial and literary vitality from the infusion, and might have remained a Roman Rome, the voice and citadel of the West."

In other words, a person needs food, but they should only eat it as fast as their body can assimilate it.

A nation needs immigrants, but they should only be brought in as fast as the "body-politic" can assimilate them.

An example of the political impact of policies was the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, coupled with NAFTA (1994 North American Free Trade Agreement).

NAFTA created dozens more globalist Mexican billionaires, but robbed poorer Mexican families of their means of livelihood, spurring a migration north to cross U.S. borders.

These policies contributed to California transitioning from a Republican state into a Democrat state.

If more immigrants can be let into a state, and counted in the census, the state will gain more congressional districts, increasing its power in Congress.

And since electoral votes are allotted to each state based on their number of congressional districts, plus two senators, and since the President is elected by electoral votes, if a state can increases its population, it will get a greater say in determining who the next President will be.

The Center for Immigration Studies reported December 19, 2019:
"The presence of all immigrants ... will redistribute 26 seats in the House in 2020 ...
Of the 26 seats that will be lost, 24 are from states that voted for Donald Trump in 2016.
Of states that will gain House seats because of immigration, 19 seats will go to the solidly Democratic states of California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Illinois ...
Immigration profoundly redistributes political power at the federal level by changing the apportionment of House seats and votes in the Electoral College."

Another observation is, that as homelessness and crime increase in major cities, many pro-family and pro-business individuals with financial means move out--a higher percentage being Republican.

The city is left with a higher percentage of dependents on entitlements and welfare programs, -- a higher percentage being Democrat.

Thus, more crime results in more of a Democrat monopoly on city government.

And since major cities often determine which party wins the state in Presidential elections, and with it all of the state's Electoral votes, increased city crime increases Democrat influence in Presidential elections.

What has been the impact of the socialist Welfare State on families and neighborhoods?

Lyndon Johnson's Great Society Welfare State provided more money to a household if the father was not present in the home.

This adversely affected the strong church-centered black families and neighborhoods.

Robert Rector and Rachel Sheffield, writing for The Heritage Foundation, stated in "Backgrounder #2955 on Poverty and Inequality" that prior to LBJ's "War on Poverty," less than 2 percent of the Federal Budget was on welfare spending.

Fifty years later, spending on anti-poverty programs mushroomed to 27 percent of the Federal Budget, costing $22 trillion (adjusted for inflation), three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the Revolution, yet the percentage of people in poverty has not improved.

Before LBJ's "War on Poverty," less than 5 percent of children were born to unmarried parents. 50 year later it has skyrocketed to 40 percent.

Before LBJ's "War on Poverty," less than 10 percent of U.S. children lived in single parent households. 50 years later that number has exploded to 33 percent, with the poverty rate of single female parent households growing to 37.1 percent.

In 1965, Labor Department sociologist Daniel Patrick Moynihan reported that 25 percent of all black children were born illegitimately.

In 2015, that number had grown to 72 percent.

African-American economist Walter E. Williams, a Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University, wrote in "The Welfare State's Legacy" (9/20/17):
"In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Here's my question:
Was the increase in single-parent black families after 1960 a legacy of slavery, or might it be a legacy of the welfare state ushered in by the War on Poverty?"

Tim Goeglein, Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison 2001-2008, writing for Focus on the Family Citizen Magazine (2016), stated:
"This is perhaps the most dismal legacy of the Johnson years, and a sad testament to the vision of social planners who believed more government would mean stronger families and marriages."

African American Republican Rep. J.C. Watts, Jr., stated February 5, 1997:
"For the past 30 years our nation's spent $5 trillion trying to erase poverty, and the result, as you know, is that we didn't get rid of it at all. In fact, we spread it.
We destroyed the self-esteem of millions of people, grinding them down in a welfare system that penalizes moms for wanting to marry the father of their children, and penalizes moms for wanting to save money. Friends, that's not right."

Internationally renown Pediatric Neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson was appointed U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. He stated:
"My mother worked as a domestic, two, sometimes three jobs at a time because she didn't want to be on welfare.

... She felt very strongly that if she gave up and went on welfare, that she would give up control of her life and of our lives, and I think she was probably correct about that ...
But, one thing that she provided us was a tremendous example of what hard work is like."

Dr. Carson added:
"The more solid the family foundation, the more likely you are to be able to resist peer pressure. Human beings are social creatures.
We all want to belong, we all have that desire, and we will belong, one way or another. If the family doesn't provide that, the peers will, or a gang will, or you will find something to belong to.
That's why it becomes so critical for families with young children to understand what a critical anchor they are."

Beginning in the 1960s, educational emphasis transitioned from academic achievement to behavior modification.
Voters who were less educated could be more easily manipulated and controlled, as was the case in the Democrat pre-Civil War South.

Basic public morality has been replaced with situation ethics, abortion, unrestrained sexual agendas, and the inciting of racial tensions for political advancement.

A historical example of Democrat-controlled education was North Carolina's 1831 Act to Prevent Teaching Slaves to Read:
"Any free person, who shall hereafter teach ... any slave within the State to read or write ... or shall give or sell to such slave ... any books or pamphlets, shall ... be fined not less than one hundred dollars ... imprisoned, or whipped."

More recently, "racism" has been redefined to mean anyone opposing big government dependency welfare programs.

In politics, this is called "seizing the moral high ground," where those pushing a cause want to appear before the public as more altruistic and caring, while portraying those opposing them as selfish and less caring.

A classic use of "seizing the moral high ground" is when casinos want to move into an area.

Opponents may cite an increase in crime, drugs, prostitution, bankruptcies, broken homes and child sex-trafficking, but if the casinos donate some of their profits to schools, they can "seize the moral high ground" by claiming to care more about children while portraying their opponents as hating children.

Another popular political manipulation tactic is called "psychological projection" or "blame–shifting," where the guilty attacker blames the innocent victim.
Sigmund Freud wrote in Case Histories II (PFL 9, p. 132) about psychological projection, where humans, when they are cornered and their guilty is about to be exposed, resort to the defensive mechanism of denying in themselves the existence of unpleasant behavior while attributing that exact behavior to others, ie., a rude person accusing others of being rude.

In Genesis 39, Potiphar's wife accused Joseph of lusting after her when she was lusting after him.

A noted political technique, "accuse the victim of what you do," was echoed by Democrat Political advisor David Axelrod (NPR 4/19/10):
"In Chicago, there was an old tradition of throwing a brick through your own campaign office window, and then calling a press conference to say that you've been attacked."

In a tragic irony, dependency on government entitlements is reminiscent of the dependency on Southern Democrat plantations, where slaves waited for handouts from their masters.

This similarity has been pointed out by many black leaders.

Star Parker, founder of CURE (Center for Urban Renewal) wrote Uncle Sam's Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America's Poor and What We Can Do About It.

Rev. C.L. Bryant produced a documentary Runaway Slave Movie, stating: "I am a 'Runaway Slave' from the Democrats' plantation."

C. Mason Weaver wrote It's OK to Leave the Plantation: The New Underground Railroad.

Wayne Perryman wrote Unfounded Loyalty: An In-Depth Look Into The Love Affair Between Blacks and Democrats.

Rev. Bill Owens is the founder of the Coalition of African American Pastors. His wife, Dr. Deborah Owens, leads "Education for All."

Bishop E.W. Jackson is the founder of S.T.A.N.D. and The Awakening Radio Show.

Jesse Lee Peterson, president of Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, commented on black unemployment being at the lowest level on record, that Donald Trump will be considered a "great president" for helping African Americans leave the Democrat "plantation."

Yahoo Sports reported June 19, 2019, "Former NFL player on reparations: 'How about the Democratic Party pay'":
"A former NFL player testifying before Congress on Wednesday spoke out against the concept of reparations. Burgess Owens, formerly of the Jets and Raiders, spoke during hearings for H.R. 40 ...
'I used to be a Democrat until I did my history and found the misery that party brought to my race ... Let's pay restitution.
How about the Democratic Party pay for all the misery brought to my race?'"

Increasingly, media, music and entertainment is employed to stir racial prejudices and passions for political purposes.

President William Henry Harrison warned of this tactic in his Inaugural, 1841:
"Understanding of men can be warped and their affections changed by operations upon their passions and prejudices."

Political organizers employ race-baiting tactics to incite racial tensions for political purposes.

Race-politics was first used by Abimelech to overthrow the ancient Hebrew Republic, as recorded in chapter 9 of the Old Testament Book of Judges.

Ablimelech told the men of Shechem:
"'Which is better for you, that all seventy of the sons of Gideon reign over you, or that one reign over you?' Remember that I am your own flesh and bone' ... And ... the men of Shechem ... inclined to follow Abimelech, for they said, 'He is our brother' ...

... So they gave him seventy shekels of silver from the temple of Baal-Berith, with which Abimelech hired worthless and reckless men; and they followed him.
Then he went to his father’s house at Ophrah and killed his brothers, the seventy sons of Gideon, on one stone ... And all the men of Shechem gathered together ... and made Abimelech king."

Saul Alinsky wrote in Rules for Radicals:
"The organizer's first job is to create the issues or problems ..."

"The organizer must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community ..."

"The organizer ... polarizes the issue ... and helps to lead his forces into conflict ... An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent ..."

"Fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression ...
He must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them ... for unless there is controversy people are not concerned enough to act."

This was observed by Republican Booker T. Washington, who had written in My Larger Education-Being Chapters from My Experience (1911, ch. V: The Intellectuals and the Boston Mob, p. 118):
"There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public.

Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs -- partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays.
Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs ..."

Washington stated:
"There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who do not want the patient to get well,
because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public."

Retired NBA player Charles Barkley stated on a CBS panel, April 3, 2021:
"Man, I think most white people and black people are great people ... but I think our system is set up where our politicians, whether they’re Republicans or Democrats, are designed to make us not like each other so they can keep their grasp of money and power. They divide and conquer."

Franklin D. Roosevelt stated in a Fireside Chat, December 29, 1940:
"These trouble-breeders have but one purpose. It is to divide our people into hostile groups and to destroy our unity and shatter our will to defend ourselves."

FDR stated January 2, 1942:
“Remember the NAZI technique -- Pit race against race, religion against religion, prejudice against prejudice. Divide and conquer!”

Roosevelt stated November 1, 1940:
"Whoever seeks to set one race against another seeks to enslave all races ... So-called racial and religious voting blocs are the creation of designing politicians who profess to be able to deliver them on Election Day."

FDR told Congress, January 3, 1940:
"Doctrines that set ... race against race, class against class, fanning the fires of hatred in men too despondent, too desperate to think for themselves, were used as rabble-rousing slogans on which dictators could ride to power. And once in power they could saddle their tyrannies on whole nations."

FDR stated October 27, 1944:
"May this country never forget that its power ... has come from ... its citizens, living in freedom and equality ... May it marshal its righteous wrath against those who would divide it by racial struggles."

Rep. J.C. Watts, Jr., stated February 5, 1997:
"Too often when we talk about racial healing, we make the old assumption that government can heal the racial divide ...
Republicans and Democrats - red, yellow, black and white - have to understand that we must individually, all of us, accept our share of responsibility ...

It does not happen by dividing us into racial groups. It does not happen by trying to turn rich against poor or by using the politics of fear.
It does not happen by reducing our values to the lowest common denominator.
And friends, it does not happen by asking Americans to accept what's immoral and wrong in the name of tolerance ..."

Watts continued:
"We must be a people who dare, dare to take responsibility for our hatred and fears and ask God to heal us from within.
And we must be a people of prayer, a people who pray as if the strength of our nation depended on it, because it does ..."
J.C. Watts concluded:

"I've often told the story of a boy and his father. The father was trying to get some work done, and the boy wanted the daddy's attention, but the father was busy at his desk with so much to do.

To occupy the boy, this father ... remembered that he had seen a picture of the world in this magazine.

In what he thought was a stroke of genius, the father tore out the picture and tore it into 20 different pieces, and he said, 'Here son. Go put the world back together' ...

And you know what happened? Five minutes later the little Michelangelo was back, saying, 'Daddy, look what I've done.'
The father looked, and he said, 'Son, how did you do it so quickly? How did you put the world back together so quickly?'

And the little boy answered, 'Dad, it was easy. There was a picture of a man on the back of the map, on the back of the world. And once I put the man back together, the world fell into place.'

And friends, this is our agenda: to put our men and women back together, and, in that way, get our country back together."
American Minute is a registered trademark of William J. Federer. Permission granted to forward, reprint, or duplicate.
Image Credits: Public Domain; Description: Lyndon B. Johnson meets with Sen. Richard Russell; Date: December 17, 1963; Source: Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum; Image Serial Number: W98-30; http://photolab.lbjlib.utexas.edu/detail.asp?id=14899; Author: Yoichi Okamoto (1915–1985); https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lyndon_Johnson_and_Richard_Russell_cropped.jpg
An informational read amazing especially jrwatts
Once again, American Minute team has clarified the biggest social problem and filled a gap of needed history- "..and the truth shall make you free- but the rest will be freed if only they learn truth and act with their actions, ie, votes!’ My father was the greatest generagtiob- because of devolution, ours is most likely the LAST. MATTHEW 24:34.
Mr. Federer – I attend Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and was privileged to watch your series on Understanding the Culture this last week at Chino Hills (Aug 11-13) and really apprecaited the presetation and content. I wanted to ask specifically about the Tulsa Massacre in 1921. You referenced that “Democrat white supremacists” were involved or carried out the massacre. Do you have any specific references or sources for this? I heard this used in the new media and by Mr. Joe Biden and wanted to know the bigger context. Blessings!