All those blaming Columbus for sailing west must turn one chapter back in the history books to find that it was actually Islamic jihad disrupting the land routes from Europe to India and China that resulted in Columbus looking for a sea route.
He earned the nicknamed in Congress "The Hell-Hound of Slavery" for relentlessly speaking out against slavery, fighting to lift the Gag Rule which prohibited discussion of slavery on the House floor. Democrats tried to censure him. In 1839, he introduced a constitutional amendment to ban slavery in all new states entering the Union.
On February 3, 1790, less than three months before he died, Ben Franklin petitioned Congress:"For promoting the Abolition of Slavery, the relief of free Negroes unlawfully held in bondage, and the Improvement of the Condition of the African Races ... That mankind are all formed by the same Almighty Being, alike objects of His care and equally designed for the enjoyment of happiness."
The U.S. Census Bureau statistics, 2009, report that over 24 million Americans play Basketball. KU Professor Michael Zogry added: “The story of Naismith’s creation of the game is widely known ... Less well-known is that his game also was meant to help build Christian character and to inculcate certain values of the muscular Christian movement.”
YMCA founder Sir George Williams wrote: "My life-long experience as a business man, and as a Christian worker among young men, has taught me that the only power in this world that can effectually keep one from sin, in all the varied and often attractive forms ... is that which comes from an intimate knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as a present Savior."