Today's American Minute

History of Writing, Printing, & Gutenberg's Press "The Invention of Printing is the Mother of Revolution"-Victor Hugo - American Minute with Bill Federer

"The Invention of Printing ... is the Mother of Revolution" & Victor Hugo on Gutenberg's Press History of Writing Printing

History of Writing, Printing, & Gutenberg's Press "The Invention of Printing is the Mother of Revolution"-Victor Hugo - American Minute with Bill Federer

Johannes Gutenberg invented a printing press - the Western world's first "metal moveable type" printing press. His masterpiece was the Gutenberg Bible, regarded as the first book of significance ever printed.

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Scientific Revolution & Astronomy, Galileo, Kepler, Francis Bacon-"A little philosophy inclineth men's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds to religion" - American Minute with Bill Federer

Almighty God I am thinking Thy thoughts after Thee!" Kepler "O Sir Francis Bacon and the Scientific Revolution; & Astronomers Galileo

Scientific Revolution & Astronomy, Galileo, Kepler, Francis Bacon-"A little philosophy inclineth men's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds to religion" - American Minute with Bill Federer

In book five of The Harmonies of the World (1619), Johannes Kepler wrote: "I had the intention of becoming a theologian ... but now I see how God is, by my endeavors, also glorified in astronomy, for 'the heavens declare the glory of God.'"

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Freezing Valley Forge, 1777, and Starving Ships "If those few thousand men endured that long winter of suffering ... what right have we to be of little faith?" -American Minute with Bill Federer

& Starving Ships "If those few thousand men endured that long winter of suffering ... what right have we to be of little faith?" 1777 Freezing Valley Forge

Freezing Valley Forge, 1777, and Starving Ships "If those few thousand men endured that long winter of suffering ... what right have we to be of little faith?" -American Minute with Bill Federer

Washington added: "... that unless some great and capital change suddenly takes place ... this Army must inevitably ... starve, dissolve, or disperse, in order to obtain subsistence in the best manner they can."

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Louis Pasteur, microbiologist: "There is something in the depths of our souls which tells us that the world may be more than a mere combination of events" - American Minute with Bill Federer

Louis Pasteur "There is something in the depths of our souls which tells us that the world may be more than a mere combination of events"

Louis Pasteur, microbiologist: "There is something in the depths of our souls which tells us that the world may be more than a mere combination of events" - American Minute with Bill Federer

Being one of the first European scientists to reject the evolutionary theory of spontaneous generation, Louis Pasteur insisted that life only arises from life, stating:
"Microscopic beings must come into the world from parents similar to themselves ... There is something in the depths of our souls which tells us that the world may be more than a mere combination of events."

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Battle of the Bulge - Freezing Winter 1944 WWII "We will, with God's help, go forward to victory" - American Minute with Bill Federer

Battle of the Bulge--Freezing Winter 1944 WWII "We will go forward to victory" with God's help

Battle of the Bulge - Freezing Winter 1944 WWII "We will, with God's help, go forward to victory" - American Minute with Bill Federer

German commander Heinrich Freiherr von Luttwitz demanded Americans surrender: "Bastogne has been encircled by strong German armored units ... There is only one possibility to save the encircled U.S.A. troops from total annihilation ... surrender
On December 22, 1944, U.S. Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe answered: "To the German Commander. NUTS!-The American Commander."

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