Today's American Minute

Labor Day, Railroad Strikes, Grover Cleveland, Eugene Debs, Socialist Party of America, Outsourcing - American Minute with Bill Federer

Eugene Debs Grover Cleveland Labor Day Outsourcing Railroad Strikes Socialist Party of America

Labor Day, Railroad Strikes, Grover Cleveland, Eugene Debs, Socialist Party of America, Outsourcing - American Minute with Bill Federer

There was rioting, pillaging, and burning of railroad cars, destroying an estimated $80 million worth of property in 27 states. A New York Times editorial, July 9, 1894, called Debs "a lawbreaker at large, an enemy of the human race." "Debs' Rebellion" became a national issue when it interrupted the trains delivering mail. President Grover Cleveland declared the strike a federal crime and deployed 12,000 U.S. Army troops to break up the strike.

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Tocqueville: on Christianity in America; Islam in Algeria; & his seemingly prophetic warning on how Americans will lose their Freedom - American Minute with Bill Federer

Tocqueville: on Christianity in America; Islam in Algeria; & his seemingly prophetic warning on how Americans will lose their Freedom

Tocqueville: on Christianity in America; Islam in Algeria; & his seemingly prophetic warning on how Americans will lose their Freedom - American Minute with Bill Federer

Tocqueville: "Thus, the ruling power, having taken each citizen one by one into its powerful grasp ... spreads its arms over the whole of ... social life with a network of petty, complicated, detailed, and uniform rules ... It does not break men's wills but it does soften, bend, and control them ... It constantly opposes what actions they perform ..."

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French Marquis de Lafayette, "adopted son" of Washington, & other foreigners, who fought to give Americans freedom - American Minute with Bill Federer

"adopted son" of Washington & other foreigners French Marquis de Lafayette who fought to give Americans freedom

French Marquis de Lafayette, "adopted son" of Washington, & other foreigners, who fought to give Americans freedom - American Minute with Bill Federer

Commander-in-Chief George Washington appointed Lafayette as a Major General in the Continental Army. He insisted on serving without pay, covering all his own expenses. Lafayette endured the freezing winter at Valley Forge, 1777-1778. He was wounded at the Battle of Brandywine on September 11, 1777. He fought in the: Battle of Gloucester, Battle of Barren Hill, Battle of Monmouth, Battle of Rhode Island, and Battle of Green Spring.

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    Cuba's Struggle for Freedom - American Minute with Bill Federer

    Cuba's Struggle for Freedom

    Cuba's Struggle for Freedom - American Minute with Bill Federer

    John F. Kennedy continued: "But in the two years since that revolution swept Fidel Castro into power, those promises have all been broken ... All political dissenters have been executed, imprisoned, or exiled. All academic freedom has been eliminated ... All major newspapers and radio stations have been seized ... And all of Cuba is in the iron grip of a communist-oriented police state. Castro and his gang have betrayed ... the Cuban people."

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    Money, Debt, "THE BANK WAR" & President Jackson vs. Nicholas Biddle - American Minute with Bill Federer

    "THE BANK WAR" & President Jackson vs. Nicholas Biddle Debt Money

    Money, Debt, "THE BANK WAR" & President Jackson vs. Nicholas Biddle - American Minute with Bill Federer

    President Andrew Jackson, whose wife died right before he took office, stated in a Protest Message to the Senate, April 15, 1834: "The Bank of the United States, a great moneyed monopoly, had attempted to obtain a renewal of its charter by controlling the elections of the people ... to control public opinion and force the Government to yield to its demands ...

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