Today's American Minute

Napoleon's conquests led to Latin America breaking from Spain & War of 1812; with British attacks, inciting Indians; Madison called for prayer- American Minute with Bill Federer

inciting Indians; Madison called for prayer Napoleonic conquests led to Latin America breaking from Spain & War of 1812; with British attacks

Napoleon's conquests led to Latin America breaking from Spain & War of 1812; with British attacks, inciting Indians; Madison called for prayer- American Minute with Bill Federer

After winning the Battle of Marengo, Napoleon had himself made Emperor in 1804. At his coronation, he placed the crown on his own head, which was a public insult to the Pope who present, as previously the Pope crowned the Holy Roman Emperors. Napoleon then crowned his wife, Josephine, proclaiming her as empress.

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The Fall of Rome: - Is History Repeating? - American Minute with Bill Federer

The Fall of Rome: - Is History Repeating?

The Fall of Rome: - Is History Repeating? - American Minute with Bill Federer

As Rome exhibited weakness, it experienced terrorist attacks. Attila the Hun, "The Scourge of God," attacked with an unstoppable army of a half-million warriors.

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How the Renaissance and Reformation led to the Revolution: John Calvin, John Knox, & John Witherspoon - American Minute with Bill Federer

& John Witherspoon How the Renaissance and Reformation led to the Revolution: John Calvin John Knox

How the Renaissance and Reformation led to the Revolution: John Calvin, John Knox, & John Witherspoon - American Minute with Bill Federer

Presbyterian Signer of the Declaration of Independence, Rev. John Witherspoon, served as the President of Princeton College, where he taught 9 of the 55 writers of the U.S. Constitution, including James Madison.

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How Democracies & Republics Rise & Fall: A Crash Course on Plato's Republic - American Minute with Bill Federer

How Democracies & Republics Rise & Fall: A Crash Course on Plato's Republic

How Democracies & Republics Rise & Fall: A Crash Course on Plato's Republic - American Minute with Bill Federer

"The constitutions of states are five."  The FIVE STAGES are:  "We count as one Royal and Aristocratical..."  followed by Timocratical,  Oligarchical, Democratical, Tyrannical.

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Montesquieu's 3 Types of Governments: Republics; Monarchs; and Despots who rule by Mandates & Executive Orders - American Minute with Bill Federer

Montesquieu's 3 Types of Governments: Republics; Monarchs; and Despots who rule by Mandates & Executive Orders

Montesquieu's 3 Types of Governments: Republics; Monarchs; and Despots who rule by Mandates & Executive Orders - American Minute with Bill Federer

"Politics" is derived from the Greek word "polis," which means "city." Politics is the business of the city. "Citizen" is a Greek word which means "co-ruler." Where kings and despots have "subjects" who are subjected to their will, democracies and republics have "citizens" who are "co-rulers." A "popular government" is where the "population" of citizens govern themselves.

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