Today's American Minute

President Franklin Pierce, Antebellum Politics, and the Romanticism era Poet Nathaniel Hawthorne - American Minute with Bill Federer

and the Romanticism era Poet Nathaniel Hawthorne Antebellum Politics President Franklin Pierce

President Franklin Pierce, Antebellum Politics, and the Romanticism era Poet Nathaniel Hawthorne  - American Minute with Bill Federer

On March 4, 1853, as the 14th U.S. President, Franklin Pierce stated in his Inaugural Address: "It must be felt that there is no national security but in the nation's humble, acknowledged dependence upon God and His overruling Providence."

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Explorers Circumnavigate Globe--From Magellan & Drake to Space Shuttle - American Minute with Bill Federer

Explorers Circumnavigate Globe--From Magellan & Drake to Space Shuttle

Explorers Circumnavigate Globe--From Magellan & Drake to Space Shuttle - American Minute with Bill Federer

Magellan was hit by a bamboo spear, surrounded and then killed. Magellan's crew continued to sail the ship, Victoria, and finally made it back to Spain in September of 1522.

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Faith of Famous Astronomers, and a church organist discovering a planet - Sir William Herschel - American Minute with Bill Federer

and a church organist discovering a planet - Sir William Herschel Faith of Famous Astronomers

Faith of Famous Astronomers, and a church organist discovering a planet - Sir William Herschel - American Minute with Bill Federer

Sir Isaac Newton constructed one of the first practical reflecting telescopes. He wrote in Principia, 1687: "This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being ... All variety of created objects which represent order and life in the universe could happen only by the willful reasoning of its original Creator, whom I call the 'Lord God.'"

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"America, America, God Shed His Grace On Thee ... from sea to shining sea" - All 50 States acknowledged God - American Minute with Bill Federer

"America God Shed His Grace On Thee ... from sea to shining sea" - All 50 States acknowledged God

"America, America, God Shed His Grace On Thee ... from sea to shining sea" - All 50 States acknowledged God  - American Minute with Bill Federer

President Ronald Reagan in meeting South Korean President Chun Doo Hwan, November 14, 1983: "At the worship service Sunday morning with our soldiers ... less than a mile from one of the most tyrannical regimes on Earth ... a choir of little girls ... all orphans ... closing the service, singing "America, the Beautiful" in our language, was a spiritual experience."

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Was it a Pre-Columbian Paradise?: The Aztec Empire, Montezuma, & Cortés - American Minute with Bill Federer

& Cortés Montezuma Was it a Pre-Columbian Paradise?: The Aztec Empire

Was it a Pre-Columbian Paradise?: The Aztec Empire, Montezuma, & Cortés - American Minute with Bill Federer

Bernal Diaz del Castillo, a soldier who served with Cortés, recorded ... "Cortés said many other things very well expressed, which they would report them to their prince Montezuma. Cortés also told them that one of the objects for which our great Emperor had sent us to their country was to abolish human sacrifices and the other evil rites which they practiced."

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