Today's American Minute

Jefferson & The Barbary Pirate Wars with Morocco, Algiers, Tunis & Tripoli - American Minute with Bill Federer

Algiers Jefferson & The Barbary Pirate Wars with Morocco Tunis & Tripoli

Jefferson & The Barbary Pirate Wars with Morocco, Algiers, Tunis & Tripoli - American Minute with Bill Federer

Immediately after Jefferson became President in 1801, Barbary pirates demanded $225,000, plus an annual tribute of $25,000. When Jefferson refused, the Pasha (Lord) of Tripoli declared war -- the first war the U.S. was in after becoming a nation. Jefferson sent U.S. frigates to the Mediterranean to protect American shipping.

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Kit Carson, Jim Bridger, Mountain Men of the Rockies, & fate of Buffalo and Indians from Railroads - American Minute with Bill Federer

& fate of Buffalo and Indians from Railroads Jim Bridger Kit Carson Mountain Men of the Rockies

Kit Carson, Jim Bridger, Mountain Men of the Rockies, & fate of Buffalo and Indians from Railroads - American Minute with Bill Federer

Kit Carson led John C. Frémont on expeditions across the South Pass of the Continental Divide which "touched off a wave of wagon caravans filled with hopeful emigrants."

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Spain's help in American Revolution & Early U.S. Naval Heroes: Jordi Farragut Mesquida (George Farragut), David Porter, David Glasgow Farragut, David Dixon Porter, Matthew Fontaine Maury - American Minute with Bill Federer

David Dixon Porter David Glasgow Farragut David Porter Early U.S. Naval Heroes: Jordi Farragut Mesquida (George Farragut) Matthew Fontaine Maury

Spain's help in American Revolution & Early U.S. Naval Heroes: Jordi Farragut Mesquida (George Farragut), David Porter, David Glasgow Farragut, David Dixon Porter, Matthew Fontaine Maury - American Minute with Bill Federer

David Glasgow Farragut, the son of a Spanish captain, George Farragut, and the adoptive son of Commodore David Porter, who served for a time as Commander of Mexico's Navy, was promoted to be the first U.S. Navy Admiral. Farragut was encouraged to run for President, but declined.

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Did Anti-Federalists predict danger of deep state? James Warren described a "betrayer of his country ... though he may artfully have obtained an election" - American Minute with Bill Federer

Did Anti-Federalists foresee danger of deep state? "Betrayer of his country ... though he may artfully have obtained an election" -James Warren

Did Anti-Federalists predict danger of deep state? James Warren described a "betrayer of his country ... though he may artfully have obtained an election" - American Minute with Bill Federer

Eisenhower warned, June 24, 1957: "The National Government was itself the creature of the States ... Yet today it is often made to appear that the creature, Frankenstein-like, is determined to destroy the creators."

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U.S. Military's Heritage of Faith in the Bible -American Minute with Bill Federer

U.S. Military Generals & Commanders proclaim reliance on God

U.S. Military's Heritage of Faith in the Bible -American Minute with Bill Federer

"The way forward for America is a return to the morality & values of the past" -Major General Patrick Brady, Medal of Honor recipient

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