Today's American Minute
South of the Border: Mexico's Revolutions & How they pursued former Presidents & their supporters - American Minute with Bill Federer
South of the Border: Mexico's Revolutions & How they pursued former Presidents & their supporters
Santa Anna had previously told the U.S. Minister to Mexico, Joel R. Poinsett, 1824: "I threw up my cap for liberty with great ardor ... but very soon found the folly of it. A hundred years to come my people will not be fit for liberty. They do not know what it is, unenlightened as they are ... A despotism is the proper government for them."
Will Civilization Survive? - American Minute with Bill Federer
Henry Cabot Lodge, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Committee, spoke against joining the League of Nation, August 12, 1919: "The United States is the world's best hope ... Beware how you trifle with your marvelous inheritance; this great land of ordered liberty. For if we stumble and fall, freedom and CIVILIZATION everywhere will go down in ruin."
Evolution's Racism defended by Clarence Darrow: The Monkey Trial & William Jennings Bryan - American Minute with Bill Federer
Dershowitz continued: "Darwin's theories were being used ... by racists ... to further some pretty horrible programs ... The eugenics movement, which advocated sterilization of 'unfit' and 'inferior' stock, was at its zenith, and it took its impetus from Darwin's theory of natural selection" ... The textbook Scopes wanted to teach was ... a bad science text, filled with misapplied Darwinism and racist rubbish."
From fighting the Sultan to the founding of Georgia: Eugene of Savoy, James Oglethorpe, the Wesleys, and Georgia's Religious Heritage - American Minute with Bill Federer
and Georgia's Religious Heritage From fighting the Sultan to the founding of Georgia: Eugene of Savoy James Oglethorpe the Wesleys
James Oglethorpe conceived of an idea for a colony in America where poor debtors and religious refugees could get a second chance. He named the colony "Georgia" after Britain's King George II.
Star-Spangled Banner author helped free slaves; Some Early Black American Leaders; & John Randolph who gave land to freed slaves - American Minute with Bill Federer
Star-Spangled Banner author helped free slaves & John Randolph gave freed slaves land
Bryant added: "Using clear precedent, poetic language, and appeals to morality, Francis Scott Key argued that the hundreds of African captives found aboard the Antelope should be returned to Africa and freedom. United States law demanded it, he said. The law of nations demanded it, he said. Even the law of nature demanded it. Key looked into the eyes of the six justices sitting for the case, four of whom were slave owners, and announced that 'by the law of nature, all men are free.'"