Today's American Minute

Albert Einstein "I observe the Laws of Nature ... There are not Laws without a Lawgiver" - American Minute with Bill Federer

Albert Einstein "I observe the Laws of Nature ... There are not Laws without a Lawgiver"

Albert Einstein "I observe the Laws of Nature ... There are not Laws without a Lawgiver" - American Minute with Bill Federer

Einstein wrote: "Behind each cause is still another cause ... Yet, only one thing must be remembered: there is no effect without a cause, and there is no lawlessness in creation."

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The Great Plague of London & The Great Scientist Sir Isaac Newton - American Minute with Bill Federer

The Great Plague of London & The Great Scientist Sir Isaac Newto

The Great Plague of London & The Great Scientist Sir Isaac Newton - American Minute with Bill Federer

Newton stated (Isaaci Newtoni Opera quae exstant omina, London: Joannes Nichols, 1782): "So then gravity may put the planets into motion, but without the Divine Power it could never put them into such a circulating motion, as they have about the sun."

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War on Prayer by Atheists, Socialists & Communist: "Eliminate prayer in the schools ... Control schools ... as transmission belts for socialism and communist propaganda" - American Minute with Bill Federer

Socialists & Communist: "Eliminate prayer in the schools ... Control schools ... as transmission belts for socialism and communist propaganda" War on Prayer by Atheists

War on Prayer by Atheists, Socialists & Communist: "Eliminate prayer in the schools ... Control schools ... as transmission belts for socialism and communist propaganda" - American Minute with Bill Federer

On January 10, 1963, Representative Albert Herlong read into the Congressional Record the list of Communist goals for America (Vol 109, 88th Congress, 1st Session, Appendix, pp. A34-A35): "Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of 'separation of church and state' ... Control schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda ..."

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Bank Run & Stock Market Crash 1929 & Dangerous Policies of Government Intervention - American Minute with Bill Federer

Stock Market Crash 1929 & Dangerous Policy of Government Intervention

Bank Run & Stock Market Crash 1929 & Dangerous Policies of Government Intervention - American Minute with Bill Federer

Hoover continued: "Our country and the world are today involved in more than a financial crisis ... This great complex, which we call American life, is builded and can alone survive upon the translation into individual action of that fundamental philosophy announced by the Savior nineteen centuries ago ..."

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Roger Sherman, and the importance of Gold & Silver - American Minute with Bill Federer

Roger Sherman, and the importance of Gold & Silver - American Minute with Bill Federer

Roger Sherman is the author of Article 1, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution: "No State shall ... make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts."

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